10 Ways to Eat Smaller Portions for Health and Weight Loss

Eating big meals full of meat with gravy, lots of pasta and second helpings of dessert can pack on the pounds and affect your overall health. When you save all your calories for one or two big meals a day, you’re more likely to overeat since it’s been several hours since your last meal.

Going up to five hours between meals usually won’t cause hunger pangs for most people. If you like to eat a late dinner, you might be setting yourself for overeatingand your metabolism will slow down.

When your body has to process a large amount of food at once, it can cause your digestive system to become sluggish. You don’t have to forego big meals for good. A big meal with all the trimmings is fine once in awhile, but don’t make it an everyday habit.

Be aware of not only what you eat, but how much of it you eat. The portions of mashed potatoes and gravy you eat at dinner and the slices of pie you eat for dessert can add pounds to your frame before you know it. Here are ten ways you can eat smaller portions during meals and snacks to maintain a healthy weight.

Limit Portion Size

Choose to eat a healthy portion of any food, and you won’t gain weight or suffer any ill effects to your health.

It’s not what you eat, but how much of it that causes problems. If you eat three Girl Scout cookies with a glass of milk, you won’t gain weight. If eat a whole box and wash it down with soda, your waistline (and your teeth) will suffer.      

We know a whole box of cookies can total 2000 calories or more; a few cookies are only about 200. You can’t stay fit and healthy if you splurge on cookies and chips regularly. When you feel like snacking in front of the TV, try eating air-popped popcorn seasoned with cayenne pepper or whole-grain crackers. Even if you absentmindedly eat too much, you won’t gain as much weight as if you’d binged on cookies.

Portion control, however, applies to all foods – even the healthy ones. Learn to plan food portions when you cook, and be aware of how much you eat at restaurants.

Drink More Water and Herbal Tea

Drink more water before meals and between meals to fill up your stomach. You’ll eat less and be well-hydrated. Along with herbal tea, water prevents hunger pangs without the harmful effects (and calories) of soda, coffee drinks and energy drinks.

Here are a few low to no-calorie herbal teas to keep you full between meals :

  • Green
  • Oolong
  • Goji
  • Chamomile
  • Ginger

Be careful when choosing herbal teas. Some teas, like green and oolong, contain caffeine and can cause you to become jumpy if you drink too much of it

Share Restaurant Meals with a Friend or Bring Home a “Doggie Bag”

According this article, 92% of American restaurants serve large portions, resulting in meals that often contain more calories than the recommended daily calorie requirement for an entire day.

Share an order with a friend, or eat half of an entrée at the restaurant and save the rest for later. Instead of ordering an entrée, order a salad or an appetizer. You can even order a children’s meal. Unless you have strong willpower, avoid the buffet.

Most servers will be happy to accommodate special requests, such as putting salad dressing or gravy in a cup on the side. (Putting salad dressing and condiments on the side prevents you from slathering too much on your food.)

Don’t be afraid to ask for a doggie bag for leftovers. Boxing or bagging leftovers makes sense. Restaurant meals, even at causal sit-down chains, are somewhat expensive, especially if you bring the whole family.

Use a Smaller Plate

We’ve been taught to eat everything on our plates since we were kids. It’s natural to feel guilty if we’re in a restaurant or at a dinner party and we fail to eat all the food in front of us. Learn to use smaller plates. With a larger plate you’ll apt to fill it up even if you know you shouldn’t.

Don’t Use Electronics While You Eat

Eat slowly instead of gulping down your meal. You’ll actually enjoy the taste and texture of your food, and you’ll eat less.

Instead of eating in front of the computer, use your dinner table. Family dinners have been shown to foster better relationships between spouses, as well as parents and children. A home-cooked meal, even one made by a beginning cook, is better for you than gulping down fast food in your car or at your desk.

Tip – Don’t lie down after eating as it will tamper with digestive process and may cause acid reflux, especially if you’ve eaten

Eat Smaller Meals throughout the Day

Studies differ on the advantages of eating smaller meals throughout the day, but the longer you wait between meals, the likelier you are to eat more when you do finally eat. Your body burns energy every time you eat to digest food. When you eat small meals several times a day, it boosts your metabolism and you burn more calories.

Eat oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast instead of bacon, eggs and pancakes. For extra fiber and nutrition, substitute groats for oatmeal. Groats are the whole, unprocessed form of oats. They take longer to cook, but are much more filling than rolled or steel-cut oats.  Follow your breakfast of oatmeal or groats with an apple mid-morning, and eat a tuna sandwich at lunch time. Instead of a sugary coffee specialty drink in the afternoon, drink a sugar-free banana smoothie.  This eating schedule may seem odd at first, like you’re denying yourself food, but all you’re doing is spreading your food intake throughout the day instead of cramming it into two or three meals.

Need more variety in a small-portion diet? Try this delicious 382- calorie Honey Roasted Carrot, Coriander and Ginger Soup with Crunchy Chickpea Croutons soup for lunch or a late afternoon pick-me-up.  Here’s a list of portion-controlled, low-calorie recipes to prevent overeating caused by super-sized food servings.  

Tip- Your body may take up to 20 minutes before you realize you’re full. Slow down your eating by taking smaller bites and thoroughly chewing your food before swallowing. Make sure your mouth is empty before taking another bite of food.  

Get between Seven and Nine Hours of Sleep Each Night

When you’re tired, you tend to crave more carbohydrates and overeat.( Fatigue’s been shown to stimulate production of Ghrelin, a hunger-inducing hormone.) After you eat cake, doughnuts or other processed carbs, you’ll feel energetic for awhile, but it’ll soon fade. Getting enough sleep provides you with more natural focus and energy to get through your day and perform tasks, and it curbs your appetite too.

Choose Whole, Unprocessed Foods

When you replace processed foods with fresh foods, and eat smaller meals several times each day, you’ll lose weight or, at the very least, maintain your current weight. And you’ll feel “lighter” and healthier instead of feeling “stuffed” after each meal.

Eat a salad, low-fat chicken soup or veggies as an appetizer. The fiber helps control your appetite and fills you up fast. Veggies, salad and other fiber-heavy foods travel more slowly through your digestive system. Broccoli, spinach and tomatoes are just a few vegetables that’ll fill you up and add valuable nutrients to your diet. Broccoli is high in Vitamin K, Vitamin C, iron and potassium. It also contains many plant compounds that contribute to better health, including sulforaphane, which protects against many different types of cancer.    

study in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that eating potato chips or French fries regularly leads to a bigger weight gain than noshing on other comfort foods.

If you can’t summon the willpower to stop eating chips and cookies,  then keep your house free of sugary and salty treats until you can exercise self control. Replace high-calorie snacks with fresh fruits.

Diets high in red meat, alcohol, sugary drinks and processed flour also lead to an arthritic condition called gout. Avoid gout by eating more eggs, whole grains, Vitamin C, low-fat dairy products and drinking more water. Also avoid certain food combinations when planning meals. Eating bacon and eggs, or any two concentrated protein sources in a single meal will impede digestion and cause fatigue.

Measure Your Food When Cooking at Home

At home, don’t guesstimate how much salt, flour or butter you’ll need for a recipe – at least until you until become skilled at it. Buy an accurate scale, measuring cups and measuring spoons if you don’t have them already.

When you cook at home, include protein (beans, lean red meat, etc.) and low glycemic index carbohydrates (whole grains, pasta) with every meal. When figuring portions, a half cup of oatmeal or pasta is referred to as a single serving.  Two cups of raw spinach equals one serving; half a cup is the best serving size for cooked or canned veggies.

Serve food from the stove or a separate serving station. If you eat from serving platters at the table, it’ll be easier to lose track of how often you help yourself to more food. You’ll be more aware of going for your third or fourth helping if you have to get up and walk to the stove or counter to get food.

It may seem a little old-fashioned to schedule meals at exact times, but it does help you focus only on eating and prevent you from multi-tasking when you should be enjoying your food. You shouldn’t do anything but eat while you’re at the table – unless, of course you have an interesting tablemate. Talking with a friend or family member may actually make you eat less, while other distractions make you eat more.

You’ll be better able to keep track of how much you eat when you schedule regular meals. When meals are scheduled and just a few hours apart, you’ll be better able to control cravings for junk food and quick trips to the Starbucks.

Distract Yourself When You’re Tempted to Overeat

Although drinking coffee at Starbucks costs more than brewing it at home, many people buy their lattes from coffee shops because of the social outlet it gives them. You don’t need to give up the social aspect of going to Starbucks or another local coffee shop – just order plain coffee instead of sugary coffee drinks with whipped cream on top.

If you eat when you’re bored or upset, try doing something else to pass the time and forgot about food. Take a walk, visit a friend or do yoga. You’ll soon be immersed in your new activity and lose the desire to snack.

Eat a cup of low-calorie vegetables before a meal as an appetizer, or add vegetables to casseroles and sandwiches. Adding a low-calorie vegetable to a meal supplies nutrients, and its high water content fills you up to prevent overeating.  

Portions and Digestive Health

Your digestive system consists of your mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver pancreas and rectum. That’s a lot of body parts for a seven-course meal to work its way through three times a day, everyday. Large meals of processed foods keep you “backed up”.   If you eat three heavy meals daily, your body has to work extra hard to process all that food. It’s much better to eat smaller, more frequent meals. If you must eat larger meals, choose lighter foods – fish, organically-raised poultry, vegetables and whole grains – instead of the usual meat and potatoes.  

The most common digestive problems related to overeating and bad food combinations include upset stomach, nausea, bloating, acid reflux and constipation.

Watching your food portions during meals – and when you’re snacking – helps you stay fit and energetic. It may take awhile to get used to eating smaller portions and saving the rest for later, but once you find out how much better you feel when you eat light, you won’t go back to “stuffing” yourself at dinner.

For extra energy in between meals, take a REVV Instant Energy WaferREVV is made with the superfood wheatgrass, along with periwinkle herb, choline, L-taurine and tasty, healthy cocoa. REVV’s a safe, natural supplement that gives you vigor without the sugar and calories of energy drinks.  



10 Ways to Eat Smaller Portions for Health and Weight Loss

Eating big meals full of meat with gravy, lots of pasta and second helpings of dessert can pack on the pounds and affect your overall health. When you save all your calories for one or two big meals a day, you’re more likely to overeat since it’s been several hours since your last meal.

Going up to five hours between meals usually won’t cause hunger pangs for most people. If you like to eat a late dinner, you might be setting yourself for overeating, and your metabolism will slow down.

When your body has to process a large amount of food at once, it can cause your digestive system to become sluggish. You don’t have to forego big meals for good. A big meal with all the trimmings is fine once in awhile, but don’t make it an everyday habit.

Be aware of not only what you eat, but how much of it you eat. The portions of mashed potatoes and gravy you eat at dinner and the slices of pie you eat for dessert can add pounds to your frame before you know it. Here are ten ways you can eat smaller portions during meals and snacks to maintain a healthy weight.

Limit Portion Size

Choose to eat a healthy portion of any food, and you won’t gain weight or suffer any ill effects to your health.

It’s not what you eat, but how much of it that causes problems. If you eat three Girl Scout cookies with a glass of milk, you won’t gain weight. If eat a whole box and wash it down with soda, your waistline (and your teeth) will suffer.      

We know a whole box of cookies can total 2000 calories or more; a few cookies are only about 200. You can’t stay fit and healthy if you splurge on cookies and chips regularly. When you feel like snacking in front of the TV, try eating air-popped popcorn seasoned with cayenne pepper or whole-grain crackers. Even if you absentmindedly eat too much, you won’t gain as much weight as if you’d binged on cookies.

Portion control, however, applies to all foods – even the healthy ones. Learn to plan food portions when you cook, and be aware of how much you eat at restaurants.

Drink More Water and Herbal Tea

Drink more water before meals and between meals to fill up your stomach. You’ll eat less and be well-hydrated. Along with herbal tea, water prevents hunger pangs without the harmful effects (and calories) of soda, coffee drinks and energy drinks.

Here are a few low to no-calorie herbal teas to keep you full between meals:

  • Green
  • Oolong
  • Goji
  • Chamomile
  • Ginger

Be careful when choosing herbal teas. Some teas, like green and oolong, contain caffeine and can cause you to become jumpy if you drink too much of it

Share Restaurant Meals with a Friend or Bring Home a “Doggie Bag”

According this article, 92% of American restaurants serve large portions, resulting in meals that often contain more calories than the recommended daily calorie requirement for an entire day.

Share an order with a friend, or eat half of an entrée at the restaurant and save the rest for later. Instead of ordering an entrée, order a salad or an appetizer. You can even order a children’s meal. Unless you have strong willpower, avoid the buffet.

Most servers will be happy to accommodate special requests, such as putting salad dressing or gravy in a cup on the side. (Putting salad dressing and condiments on the side prevents you from slathering too much on your food.)

Don’t be afraid to ask for a doggie bag for leftovers. Boxing or bagging leftovers makes sense. Restaurant meals, even at causal sit-down chains, are somewhat expensive, especially if you bring the whole family.

Use a Smaller Plate

We’ve been taught to eat everything on our plates since we were kids. It’s natural to feel guilty if we’re in a restaurant or at a dinner party and we fail to eat all the food in front of us. Learn to use smaller plates. With a larger plate you’ll apt to fill it up even if you know you shouldn’t.

Don’t Use Electronics While You Eat

Eat slowly instead of gulping down your meal. You’ll actually enjoy the taste and texture of your food, and you’ll eat less.

Instead of eating in front of the computer, use your dinner table. Family dinners have been shown to foster better relationships between spouses, as well as parents and children. A home-cooked meal, even one made by a beginning cook, is better for you than gulping down fast food in your car or at your desk.

Tip – Don’t lie down after eating as it will tamper with digestive process and may cause acid reflux, especially if you’ve eaten

Eat Smaller Meals throughout the Day

Studies differ on the advantages of eating smaller meals throughout the day, but the longer you wait between meals, the likelier you are to eat more when you do finally eat. Your body burns energy every time you eat to digest food. When you eat small meals several times a day, it boosts your metabolism and you burn more calories.

Eat oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast instead of bacon, eggs and pancakes. For extra fiber and nutrition, substitute groats for oatmeal. Groats are the whole, unprocessed form of oats. They take longer to cook, but are much more filling than rolled or steel-cut oats.  Follow your breakfast of oatmeal or groats with an apple mid-morning, and eat a tuna sandwich at lunch time. Instead of a sugary coffee specialty drink in the afternoon, drink a sugar-free banana smoothie.  This eating schedule may seem odd at first, like you’re denying yourself food, but all you’re doing is spreading your food intake throughout the day instead of cramming it into two or three meals.

Need more variety in a small-portion diet? Try this delicious 382- calorie Honey Roasted Carrot, Coriander and Ginger Soup with Crunchy Chickpea Croutons soup for lunch or a late afternoon pick-me-up.  Here’s a list of portion-controlled, low-calorie recipes to prevent overeating caused by super-sized food servings.  

Tip- Your body may take up to 20 minutes before you realize you’re full. Slow down your eating by taking smaller bites and thoroughly chewing your food before swallowing. Make sure your mouth is empty before taking another bite of food.  

Get between Seven and Nine Hours of Sleep Each Night

When you’re tired, you tend to crave more carbohydrates and overeat. (Fatigue’s been shown to stimulate production of Ghrelin, a hunger-inducing hormone.) After you eat cake, doughnuts or other processed carbs, you’ll feel energetic for awhile, but it’ll soon fade. Getting enough sleep provides you with more natural focus and energy to get through your day and perform tasks, and it curbs your appetite too.

Choose Whole, Unprocessed Foods

When you replace processed foods with fresh foods, and eat smaller meals several times each day, you’ll lose weight or, at the very least, maintain your current weight. And you’ll feel “lighter” and healthier instead of feeling “stuffed” after each meal.

Eat a salad, low-fat chicken soup or veggies as an appetizer. The fiber helps control your appetite and fills you up fast. Veggies, salad and other fiber-heavy foods travel more slowly through your digestive system. Broccoli, spinach and tomatoes are just a few vegetables that’ll fill you up and add valuable nutrients to your diet. Broccoli is high in Vitamin K, Vitamin C, iron and potassium. It also contains many plant compounds that contribute to better health, including sulforaphane, which protects against many different types of cancer.    

study in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that eating potato chips or French fries regularly leads to a bigger weight gain than noshing on other comfort foods.

If you can’t summon the willpower to stop eating chips and cookies,  then keep your house free of sugary and salty treats until you can exercise self control. Replace high-calorie snacks with fresh fruits.

Diets high in red meat, alcohol, sugary drinks and processed flour also lead to an arthritic condition called gout. Avoid gout by eating more eggs, whole grains, Vitamin C, low-fat dairy products and drinking more water. Also avoid certain food combinations when planning meals. Eating bacon and eggs, or any two concentrated protein sourcesin a single meal will impede digestion and cause fatigue.

Measure Your Food When Cooking at Home

At home, don’t guesstimate how much salt, flour or butter you’ll need for a recipe – at least until you until become skilled at it. Buy an accurate scale, measuring cups and measuring spoons if you don’t have them already.

When you cook at home, include protein (beans, lean red meat, etc.) and low glycemic index carbohydrates (whole grains, pasta) with every meal. When figuring portions, a half cup of oatmeal or pasta is referred to as a single serving.  Two cups of raw spinach equals one serving; half a cup is the best serving size for cooked or canned veggies.

Serve food from the stove or a separate serving station. If you eat from serving platters at the table, it’ll be easier to lose track of how often you help yourself to more food. You’ll be more aware of going for your third or fourth helping if you have to get up and walk to the stove or counter to get food.

It may seem a little old-fashioned to schedule meals at exact times, but it does help you focus only on eating and prevent you from multi-tasking when you should be enjoying your food. You shouldn’t do anything but eat while you’re at the table – unless, of course you have an interesting tablemate. Talking with a friend or family member may actually make you eat less, while other distractions make you eat more.

You’ll be better able to keep track of how much you eat when you schedule regular meals. When meals are scheduled and just a few hours apart, you’ll be better able to control cravings for junk food and quick trips to the Starbucks.

Distract Yourself When You’re Tempted to Overeat

Although drinking coffee at Starbucks costs more than brewing it at home, many people buy their lattes from coffee shops because of the social outlet it gives them. You don’t need to give up the social aspect of going to Starbucks or another local coffee shop – just order plain coffee instead of sugary coffee drinks with whipped cream on top.

If you eat when you’re bored or upset, try doing something else to pass the time and forgot about food. Take a walk, visit a friend or do yoga. You’ll soon be immersed in your new activity and lose the desire to snack.

Eat a cup of low-calorie vegetables before a meal as an appetizer, or add vegetables to casseroles and sandwiches. Adding a low-calorie vegetable to a meal supplies nutrients, and its high water content fills you up to prevent overeating.  

Portions and Digestive Health

Your digestive system consists of your mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver pancreas and rectum. That’s a lot of body parts for a seven-course meal to work its way through three times a day, everyday. Large meals of processed foods keep you “backed up”.   If you eat three heavy meals daily, your body has to work extra hard to process all that food. It’s much better to eat smaller, more frequent meals. If you must eat larger meals, choose lighter foods – fish, organically-raised poultry, vegetables and whole grains – instead of the usual meat and potatoes.  

The most common digestive problems related to overeating and bad food combinations include upset stomach, nausea, bloating, acid reflux and constipation.

Watching your food portions during meals – and when you’re snacking – helps you stay fit and energetic. It may take awhile to get used to eating smaller portions and saving the rest for later, but once you find out how much better you feel when you eat light, you won’t go back to “stuffing” yourself at dinner.

For extra energy in between meals, take a REVV Instant Energy WaferRevv is made with the superfood wheatgrass, along with periwinkle herb, choline, L-taurine and tasty, healthy cocoa. REVV’s a safe, natural supplement that gives you vigor without the sugar and calories of energy drinks. 

What are the Benefits of B Complex Vitamins?

This article will give you an overview of all eight B-complex vitamins and the ways they contribute to mental and physical well-being.

B complex vitamins are a group of water soluble vitamins. Each vitamin in this group has a particular function in the human body, but all B vitamins share some similarities.

They are necessary to turn the food we eat into energy. Better cognitive function, anti-stress properties, protection against cancer and heart disease and a happier mood are just a few benefits of B complex vitamins.

There are eight B complex vitamins:

B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine ), Vitamin B7(biotin), Vitamin B9 (folate or folic acid), and Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin).

All B complex vitamins are water soluble. This means they’re not stored in the body – you need to get the required daily amount of each vitamin from food and/or supplements.

Most people get enough of the benefits of B-complex vitamins from the food they eat.

What are the benefits of B complex vitaminsAnd how can they increase your lifespan and help you avoid many unpleasant health problems?

One or more B complex vitamins are found in most foods. Each B complex vitamin has slightly different functions and benefits. B complex vitamins are also present in wheatgrass supplements, including wheatgrass tablets and wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass supplemented with extra B complex vitamins is one of the best high-value sources of these essential nutrients.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) – An Anti-Stress Vitamin That Helps the Immune System

Vitamin B1 or thiamin, is a water-soluble anti-stress vitamin. Like other Vitamins, it toughens the immune system. Along with Vitamins B6 and B12, it helps to balance your mood and reduce the ill effects of stressful situations. The benefits of B complex vitamins extend to more than physical health; they aid mental function and are helpful in treating mild to moderate depression in some people. Many health practitioners are now considering natural treatments for depression instead of prescription antidepressants, and B-vitamins are often recommended.

Thiamin plays a crucial role in metabolic processes. It helps make adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a substance needed by every cell in the body to produce energy. Most people get enough Vitamin B1 from their diet. Anorexics, alcoholics and people with Crohn’s disease may suffer from a deficient in Vitamin B1.

Retaining good eyesight into old age is one of the health benefits of B-complex vitamins.

Individuals who get enough vitamin B1, B2, niacin and Vitamin A are unlikely to develop cataracts. Add Vitamin C, E and all B-complex vitamins to your diet to further protect against cataracts. Thiamin may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, though no conclusive studies have been recorded.

Water pills or diuretics taken by people with heart failure may sap the body of Vitamin B1. These pills get rid of excess fluid, but may also get rid of too much thiamin. Taking a multivitamin or wheatgrass supplement with B1 and other B-complex vitamins can prevent this from occurring.

Vitamin B1 is found in sunflower seeds, lentils, fortified cereals, oats and barley, but beans and beans are the greatest source of thiamin. This includes navy beans, pinto beans, black beans, lima beans and green peas.

Antioxidant-Rich Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Aids Growth and Thyroid Function

Vitamin B2 promotes energy production, and provides many of the basic health benefits of B complex vitamins. It is needed to recycle the important antioxidant glutathione and support red blood cell production.

Riboflavin has some of the best benefits of B complex vitamins, as it helps regulate thyroid activity and aids in protein formation necessary for growth of the body. It promotes immunity because it fights infections and toughens antibodies. Like Vitamin C, it aids the body in absorbing other minerals, and assists in wound healing and tissue repair. 1

Teenagers and others who suffer from acne will experience clearer skin as one of the benefits of B complex vitamins. Vitamin B2 is excellent for promoting mucus secretion to remove acne pustules.

You can get Vitamin B2 from fortified breakfast cereal and bread, almonds, soybeans, spinach, milk, eggs, yogurt and turkey.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Fights High Cholesterol and Heart Disease

Niacin (Vitamin B3) aids the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems and high-grade versions are sometimes prescribed for patients with high blood pressure, high cholesterol or signs of heart disease. Individuals with high cholesterol.

A study showed that men with heart disease who took niacin and colestipol prevented atherosclerosis from progressing. The combination also cut down on heart attacks and deaths from heart disease. Niacin and the prescription drug Zocor, when taken together, lowered study participants’ risk of having a first heart attack or stroke.

Niacinamide,(a form of niacin) may buy you time before you need to use insulin for Type 1 diabetes. Some studies indicate niacinamide may protect children against developing Type 1 diabetes. Niacin may lower fats and cholesterol in patients with Type 2 diabetes, but it may raise blood sugar. Elevated blood sugar may be dangerous for diabetics, so people with Type 2 diabetes should only take niacin if their doctor recommends it. 

Tuna, chicken, peanuts, turkey, lamb and beef contain high amounts of niacin. You can get most of your daily requirement of Vitamin B3 from protein-rich foods. This nutrient is involved in energy production, like other B complex vitamins. Beside energy metabolism, the enzymes in niacin provide antioxidants to keep tissues healthy. Niacin improves the appetite, keeps skin clear, and promotes nervous system function.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) Keeps You Looking Younger and Increases Stamina

Vitamin B5 turns food into fuel like other B vitamins. This water-soluble vitamin helps produce red blood cells. It helps produce stress and sex hormones in the adrenal glands and helps the body use Vitamin B2, and to a lesser extent, other vitamins. Vitamin B5 synthesizes many substances needed by your body. It helps form proteins, fats, amino acids and carbohydrates.

This B vitamin may improve a number of health conditions. Pantethine, a derivative of pantothenic acid, may lower fats and triglycerides in patients with high cholesterol, according to some studies. It increases stamina, raising metabolic processes to a productive level, and may be helpful for athletes. Along with Vitamin B7 (biotin), Vitamin B5 keeps skin and hair young-looking. It delays the appearance of age spots and wrinkles and keeps the complexion smooth. A sufficient amount of B5 in the diet shields your hair’s’ pigmentation, preventing it from turning gray prematurely.

Pantothenic Acid is available in mushrooms, oily fish, avocados, eggs, beef, chicken, turkey, sweet potatoes and lean pork, among other foods. You can take this B-complex vitamin in wheatgrass supplements or other nutritional tablets. Wheatgrass contains some B-complex vitamins naturally, and some wheatgrass tablets have an additional B-complex blend to give you more health benefits.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Regulates Blood Sugar and Boosts Mood

Vitamin B6 is found in bananas, fortified cereal, avocados and chicken breast, among other foods. It helps the nervous system stay healthy, regulates blood sugar and breaks down proteins. This vitamin, also called pyridoxine, helps hemoglobin transport oxygen to cells. Like magnesium, it helps ease muscle cramps, and it is used to relieve symptoms of asthma and arthritis.

The brain benefits of B complex vitamins, especially Vitamins B6 and B12, are increased mental function, memory and a better mood. Vitamin B6 aids in the creation of the mood-boosting chemical serotonin. Many prescription antidepressants, including Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), work by increasing the level of serotonin in a person’s brain, but they may have harmful side effects. Taking a Vitamin B6 supplement may help reduce depression naturally in some people.

The health benefits of B-complex vitamins include protection against heart disease. Taking a B-complex supplement that includes Vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid may guard against a high level of homocysteine, which can cause cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin) for Better Hair, Nails and Skin

Biotin (Vitamin B7) is needed by every cell in your body, and deficiencies in this vitamin are rare. Sometimes called Vitamin H, biotin is involved in hormone production. Vitamin B7, like other B-complex vitamins, is necessary for the body’s metabolic processes. It helps in the breakdown of foods during the digestive process, and is sometimes called the “beauty vitamin”, for its contribution to healthy skin, hair and nails. If you’re interested in adding something new to your beauty routine, eating foods rich in Vitamin B7 have the strongest skin health benefits of B complex vitamins.

Biotin also regulates blood sugar, which is helpful in controlling diabetes. According to a study conducted in Spain, adding biotin-rich mixed nuts into the diet for three months improved blood sugar for participants running a risk of diabetes. Sweet potatoes, peanuts, almonds, carrots, onions, eggs and salmon are good sources of Vitamin B7.

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid or Folate) Prevents Birth Defects and Improves Heart Health

Vitamin B9 (folic acid or folate) helps structure DNA and aids in making cells. Folate is the naturally-occurring version of Vitamin B9 in foods; folic acid is the synthetic version found in supplements. Broccoli, okra, lettuce, melon, lemons, orange juice and most meats contain folate. Folic acid is added to cereals, crackers, pasta and bakery items per a 1998 federal law.

Alcoholism, inflammatory bowel disease and some medications may cause folic acid deficiency. Symptoms of Vitamin B9 deficiency include loss of appetite, poor mental function, gingivitis and shortness of breath.

Protection against birth defects is one of the best-known benefits of B complex vitamins, specifically Vitamin B9. Folic acid is important for pregnant women because it prevents birth defects caused by impaired development of the neural tubes. Pregnant women need 600 mcg of folic acid a day, and women trying to become pregnant need 400 mcg per day.

Vitamin B9 has all the cardiovascular benefits of B complex vitamins. Clinical trials show that folic acid may reduce the chance of heart disease. It may help lower the amount of the amino acid homocysteine in the body. Research indicates people with high levels of homocysteine are more likely to have a stroke or coronary artery disease than people with normal levels of this amino acid.

Other benefits of Vitamin B9 are delay or prevention of age-related eyesight and hearing problems. A study on macular degeneration in women found that participants who took 2,500 mcg of Vitamin B9, along with increased intake of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6, had a lower risk of getting a vision-impairing eye disease called AMD. Studies conducted on folic acid and its effect on depression indicate that people with low levels of Vitamin B9 suffer from depression. Taking Vitamin B9 may help women who suffer from depression better than the antidepressant Prozac, but may not help men with depression.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Vitamin B12 works with Vitamin B9 to make hemoglobin. It is found in beef, sardines, cod, tuna, yogurt, milk, cheese, turkey, scallops and other animal-derived foods. Vegans and vegetarians can consume B12 in fortified foods and supplements such as wheatgrass tablets with added B complex vitamins.3

Vitamin B12 is used to treat pernicious anemia, which causes extreme weakness and may lead to other health problems. It strengthens muscles, boosts mood and increases overall energy and vitality. A proper amount of Vitamin B12 in your system guards against Multiple Sclerosis, depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Like other B complex vitamins, it helps reduce the inflammation that can cause cancer and helps keep the cardiovascular system functioning properly, protecting against heart disease.

Get all the Benefits of B Complex Vitamins and Hundreds of Other Nutrients in Zeal O2, REVV and Happy Girl

While many foods contain one or more B complex vitamins, the superfood wheatgrass contains all B complex vitamins – and WheatgrassLove’s wheatgrass supplement tablets have added B complex vitamins for even more nutritional support.

Zeal O2 is a weight loss supplement that doubles as a vitamin and mineral powerhouse to keep you strong and focused while you diet. It has a blend of lab tested herbs including citrus aurantium (bitter orange) for better appetite control; green tea extract for improved mental alertness and protection against inflammation and disease, and over a dozen other herbs to keep you fit, trim and healthy before and after your diet. Read more about Zeal O2.

REVV Natural Energy Supplement combines the power of wheatgrass and the benefits of B complex vitamins to improve clarity and brain function and “rev” you up when you feel blah. It includes L-taurine, a building block for amino acids, and periwinkle herb, to increase blood flow to the brain. These tasty chocolate mint wafers are great for an energy anytime of the day or night. Read more about REVV

Happy Girl Mood Enhancer helps men and women control their mood better through wheatgrass (with all the benefits of B complex vitamins) and a proprietary blend of cayenne pepper, fo-ti, ginseng, green tea extract and other calming, nutrient-filled herbs. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass safely balances your body’s pH to help prevent mood swings and alleviate mild depression. Happy Girl’s  proprietary blend offers extra health benefits to improve circulation, digestion and endurance. Read more about Happy Girl Mood Enhancer.

All Wheatgrass Love products are guaranteed to work to your satisfaction or your money back! Call us at 877-303-1717 to learn more or place your first order! Always consult your medical provider before using any dietary supplement.

10 Easy Weight Loss Techniques

You don’t need to turn dieting into a chore. It may seem that way to some folks, though.

Many people put off a diet or exercising more with an excuse like “ I won’t lose weight unless I go the health club for two hours a day” or “I don’t have the right exercise equipment.”  The truth is, you don’t need lots of money, a health club membership or expensive food from a trendy store to lose weight or eat healthy. Taking baby steps will help you develop new habits that contribute to a slimmer waist and better lifestyle. Here are 10 Easy Weight Loss Techniques. You’ve been trying to hard to look and feel good. Relax and watch the pounds melt away.

1. Keep a Journal

Most people have a tendency to snack while doing other things – watching TV, surfing the net, reading a book – and don’t pay attention to what they eat or how much. Keeping a journal and writing down what you eat and when is a simple tool to better habits. A weight loss study showed that dieters who kept track of the food they ate lost two times as much weight as people who didn’t kept a journal. Simply jot down what you ate – half a bag of potatoes chips, two doughnuts – and when to give yourself an idea of which foods are adding excess calories to your daily totals and what situations make you eat more. (Do you eat more when you’re bored? Anxious?)  Learning what triggers emotional eating habits can help you to lose weight and correct bad habits besides overeating.

2. Stock the Fridge with Healthy Foods

Keep bad foods out of sight and out of mind. If you don’t keep candy, chips and ice cream in the kitchen, you can’t go on a junk food binge at three in the morning and gain weight. Replace prepackaged junk food with peaches, grapes, pears, strawberries, kiwi and other delicious fruits. Eat wholegrain breads and crackers with protein-rich peanut butter instead of chips or white bread with butter. Eat yogurt with live cultures instead of ice cream.

3. Take the Stairs

Even if you feel you’re too busy to set aside time for exercise each day, there is a way to increase physical activity without hitting the gym or the hiking trail. Make simple changes in your daily routine, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to the convenience store instead of driving a few blocks. Take a walk outside during your work break instead of eating a snack at your desk. As you increase your physical activity in small ways, you’ll feel more energetic and happier (due to the serotonin and endorphins, two chemicals in the brain produced  by exercise), and you’ll want to  be more active.

4. Research Online Menus Before Dining Out

You can accept dinner invitations if you’re changing your eating habits without breaking your diet. Check the restaurant’s online menu before leaving for your meal and note the healthy, low-calorie choices. In the rare cases where the restaurant doesn’t have an online menu, check

5. Exercise Just a Few Minutes More Each Day or Make Small Changes in Your Diet

Trying too hard often gets in the way of achieving just about anything, and that includes losing weight. Research published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine showed that study participants who made a small change in their daily exercise routine or meal choices pared 2 ½ inches more off their waist than individuals who followed a preset restricted calorie and exercise plan. Increasing your physical activity by walking, dancing or exercising just a few minutes a day will help you to lose more weight over time.

6. Drink More Water

Drinking a glass of water before each meal keeps you hydrated and helps you feel full, making you eat less. Drink water throughout the day instead of soda or coffee. Water helps skin stay supple and moist and reduces the fluid loss that leads to wrinkles and premature aging. Drinking enough water flushes toxins from your kidneys and keeps you regular. Eating more fruits and vegetables will also increase your water intake, as they contain a high percentage of water and help keep you hydrated.

7. Eat Slowly

Eat slowly and really chew and taste your food – don’t gulp it down in a hurry. Eating quickly increases the amount of calories you consume and leads to weight gain. From the time you begin a meal, it takes 20 minutes for you to feel full. When you eat slowly, it leaves enough time for your brain to send signals that your stomach is full. When you  eat without savoring or tasting your food, there’s no time for this message to reach you, and you overeat. Research conducted by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity indicated that overweight people consumed fewer calories when they ate slowly. Learn to taste and savor food, don’t just chew quickly and swallow.

Take a cue from European culture. The French and Italians like to linger over their meals, often turning dinner into a socials occasion. This reduces the chance of hasty overeating. After all, the average European is thinner than the average American, and their leisurely mealtime habits are part of the reason for that.

8. “Break Your Fast” Every Few Hours

Satisfy your hunger pangs every few hours, even when you’re on a weight reduction diet. Going more than four of five hours without eating anything will make you more likely to overeat later in the day. So break your fast with raisins, apples, yogurt or a peanut butter on whole grain toast instead of “saving it all” for dinner. When you do eat a meal, select smaller portions and avoid eating just before bedtime – it will cause indigestion and maybe even nightmares! Eat dinner at least three hours before you plan to go to bed. A study conducted by Northwestern University showed that people who eat around 10 p.m.  consume at least 248 more calories than people who eat earlier at night. 1

9. Take a High-Value Weight Loss Supplement

Some people have more willpower than others-that’s just a fact of life. If you can’t seem to push yourself away from the table in time to avoid dessert, or you can’t stay away from the Cheetos in the vending machine at work, it may be worthwhile to invest in a nutritional, high-value weight loss supplement. Weight loss tablets containing wheatgrass are a great choice for dieters. Wheatgrass is 70% chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plant life. Chlorophyll contains a bounty of nutrients to keep you healthy and energized during your weight loss program. Magnesium, calcium, zinc, Vitamins A, E, C and all the B-complex vitamins, including Vitamin B12 ( for vitality and mood) and Vitamin B6 is necessary for proper cardiovascular, nervous system and liver function, and also contributes to a balanced mood. Wheatgrass is a complete and nutritious food, and when it’s taken in tablet form you won’t need to worry about the nausea you experience when drinking wheatgrass juice.

A wheatgrass supplement containing other natural ingredients, including herbs, gives you even a bigger nutritional boost when you’re dieting. A wheatgrass supplement containing a proprietary blend of herbs helps curb your appetite with Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange), which is also known for its ability to treat digestive disorders and increase energy. A proprietary blend may also include gingko biloba, ginseng, cayenne pepper, gotu kola, green tea extract and damiana. These added herbs help increase mental focus and energy (among other benefits), which is especially important when you’re on a diet.

10. Avoid Diet Soda

According to an article in Reader’s Digest, studies presented at theAmerican Diabetes Association’s Scientific Sessions showed that people who drank two or more diet sodas each day experienced waist size increases six times greater than individuals who didn’t drink diet soda. Researchers couldn’t pinpoint a medical reason for this, but they believe that some people may eat more food because they think they are “saving up” a large number of calories by drinking diet soda.2

Miscellaneous Weight Loss Techniques

There are several lesser-known tricks for losing weights – one that are a little sneaky and odd, but they work!

Use a smaller plate for meals. Large dinner plates look so empty with only a few veggies and baked fish on them, there’s a tendency to fill them up with more helpings  or extras not on the menu.

Find a few foods you like and stick with them during your weight loss program. Researchers found that people who stay on diets and reach their goal weight successfully eat menus with a few types of foods instead of a wide variety. Selecting from a buffet of choices tends to make people eat more.

Brush your teeth when you’re tempted to overeat. That fresh, minty flavor will signal that mealtime is over, and the clean feeling in your mouth will make you less likely to want to sit down and eat again. If you’re eating in a restaurant and can’t brush your teeth after a meal, chew sugarless gum or use breath strips or fresheners. The clean feeling will prevent you from eating those last bits of food you don’t need.

It’s Important to Set Manageable Weight Loss Goals

The ultimate goal of a diet is to take weight off and keep it off. This means “crash diets” are out of the question if you want to stay trim and healthy permanently. Weight loss experts recommend that dieters lose a half-pound to two pounds a week. When dieting, it’s better to be concerned about increasing your daily physical activity and replacing processed foods with fresh ones than counting calories. Consider a weight loss program the start of a new lifestyle, not a temporary occurrence. You gained weight because of unhealthy choices; now you’re losing weight and maintaining that weight due to healthy lifestyle choices.

Use Zeal O2 From Wheatgrass Love and Lose Weight the Easy Way!

We all have busy lives, and losing weight may seem too hard for some people. All that calorie counting! But that way of dieting is old-fashioned, and you don’t need to follow the old weight loss patterns unless you’re comfortable with them. Making small changes in your eating and exercise routines daily will add up to big changes in your weight and your health.Zeal O2 Weight Loss Supplement from Wheatgrass Love should be a part of an easy weight loss routine for many people. There’s nothing to mix, no expensive juicers to buy. Each tablet contains wheatgrass (with the nutritious power of chlorophyll) and a proprietary blend of Citrus aurantium, white willow, ginseng, cayenne pepper, ginkgo biloba, goldenseal, green tea extract and more! Zeal O2 safely curbs your appetite. You’ll feel more energetic and get all the nutrients you need withZeal O2. Once you’ve reached your ideal weight, you can continue usingZeal O2 to maintain it! Order now.

REVV Natural Energy Supplement is a delicious chocolate wafer formulated with wheatgrass, cocoa, caffeine and brain-boosting L-Taurine. Bring a pack with you anywhere, anytime when you need an extra shot of energy. It contain periwinkle herb, which has been shown in studies to increase the flow of blood to the brain and the power of B-complex vitamins in wheatgrass. If you have an important work presentation or exam, REVV will help you to focus better! Read more about REVV.

If you’re feeling blue or “out of it”, Happy Girl Mood Enhancer can increase focus, energy and help you feel better. A gentle formula containing wheatgrass and a blend of herbs including green tea extract, ginkgo biloba and cayenne pepper, Happy Girl can relieve occasional mild to moderate depression without the side effects of prescription antidepressants.And you’ll receive all the other benefits of wheatgrass, including better circulation, digestion and healthier cell growth. (If you’ve been diagnosed with clinical depression, talk to your doctor before taking any mood supplement). Happy Girl isn’t just for girls – men and seniors can take it, too! Read more about Happy Girl.

Wheatgrass Love products from LifeForce Nutraceuticals are guaranteed to work for you! If not completely satisfied, return unused portion for your money back. (Always talk with your doctor before taking any nutritional supplement.)

10 Tips to Stay Healthy on Vacation

Holidays and vacations are well-deserved breaks from routine. Food and alcohol play a large part in many vacations while other travelers dedicate their free time to sports and hiking. Vacations are a time to relax and discover new cities and cultures. Some of those adventures could end in injuries and illness if you don’t plan ahead. And sampling tasty cuisine in restaurants day after day can pack on a few extra pounds in a short time! Avoid injuries, infections and weight gain by using common sense during your trip.

Follow these 10 tips to stay healthy on vacation.

1. Plan in Advance

Staying healthy on vacation is a lot easier when you plan in advance.

Do research on the restaurants in the city you’re visiting. Check guidebooks, travel articles and forums, and ask friends for advice. Most restaurants have an online menu, so you’ll be able to check out healthy options before you even arrive at your destination.

Eat a big meal before heading out to the airport. You’ll be less tempted to eat at the food court or buy snacks, which will save you money as well as calories.

2. Take a First Aid Kit

Pack a first aid kit before you leave on your trip. Include Neosporin, band-aids and gauze for cuts and scrapes, aspirin or Ibuprofen, Imodium for diarrhea and Benadryl for allergies (and as a sleep aid), tweezers, antiseptic towelettes and sunscreen. It’s a good idea to pack extra prescription medication in case your return home is delayed. Many factors contribute to the items you’ll need in your kit. A vacation backpacking in India requires more items than a kit for taking in Broadway shows in New York City. Resist the urge to skip a DIY first aid kit. Buying these items when/if you need them may be expensive – especially if you buy them at the hotel gift shop.

3. Stay Healthy on Vacation by Supplementing Your Insurance

If you’re traveling abroad, check your medical insurance before you leave. If you suffer a major injury or illness, treatment in a foreign hospital could cost tens of thousands of dollars. Ask your health insurance company if you need to buy a supplemental policy. Many companies provide insurance for people traveling overseas. Travel.state.gov  offers information about securing insurance for U.S. and foreign destinations as well as medical evacuation.

4. Stay Healthy on Vacation by Preparing for Your Cruise

Cruises have been in the news lately for all the wrong reasons. Outbreaks of norovirus, measles, rubella and other diseases have plagued some cruises. Avoid measles, mumps, rubella and similar diseases by making sure your vaccinations are up to date. Some destinations may require certain vaccinations and other health paperwork. Check the CDC’s(http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/list ) website for details.

Avoid the nausea, diarrhea and vomiting caused by norovirus by washing your hands with soap and water. Wash up after eating, holding doorknobs, railings or items other people have touched, using the bathroom or changing diapers. If soap and water isn’t available, use hand sanitizer. (There are hand sanitizer dispensers throughout major cruise ships.)

If you have a chronic illness, bring extra medication with you and check with your doctor before your trip regarding any health precautions you should take. It’s also a good idea to get a flu shot before taking a cruise. Respiratory illnesses spread quickly on cruise ships.

When visiting ports of call, eat only cooked food and drink from sealed container. Eat fruit you’ve washed and peeled yourself and avoid using ice.

5. Hydrate

How much water you drink influences your overall health and energy and your digestion. Drink the same amount of water while traveling as you do at home. If you don’t hydrate, you’ll become sluggish and constipated. It’s unpleasant enough to be constipated at home, but traveling makes it even worse. Drink water on the plane instead of alcohol, which dehydrates you. (If you do drink alcohol, consume one glass of water for each alcoholic beverage.) Carry bottled water with you while in transit.

6. Get Enough Fiber in Your Diet

Maintaining proper digestion can be difficult at home if you don’t exercise or eat right. If you don’t take precautions, irregularity will become a bigger problem when you travel. Sitting on long flights or train rides, driving for hours at a stretch and eating leisurely, exotic meals slow down your metabolism and your digestive system.

Order fruit or a side salad with meals and eat it before the main course. This will ensure you get some fiber with each meal. Eating fruit, salad, nuts, seeds and whole grains will help you stay healthy on vacation. Carry a bag of sunflower seeds or trail mix with you on hikes or long days sightseeing.

7. Get Up and Move Around!

Most vacations end to be sedentary – you sit on a tour bus, in restaurants, at a plays or concerts – and you may not get enough exercise. A short session on the treadmill in the hotel gym won’t be enough to fulfill your daily activity quotient, so walk whenever you can. Take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator, and don’t sit for long periods. You can set your cell phone to vibrate every 30 minutes as an exercise reminder.

Stay Healthy on Vacation with These Exercise Tips

  • Engage in fun physical activities with family and friends instead of taking formal tours and sitting on a bus for hours. Walk or bike through the city or take a “hop on, hop off” tour. These tours combine a formal seated bus tour with several stops that allow tourists to explore on their own and then return to the bus at a scheduled time. Better yet, take a walking tour, and be sure to bring bottled water or healthy snacks with you.
  • Spend more time in the sunshine!  Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D, the happiness vitamin. If your vacation involves late nights, casinos, museums, restaurants and mostly indoor activities, schedule a few hours every day to go outdoors, weather permitting. The sunshine and fresh air will boost your mood and give you more energy.
  • Pack resistance bands, a jump rope, a foot roller, yoga mat or other light exercise equipment. You’ll be more inclined to exercise if you bring some of your own equipment from home. You may even bring roller blades, a bike or skateboard, depending on where ( and how) you’re traveling.

8. Eat Smaller Portions and Be Mindful of What You Eat

While you want to be mindful of the food you eat on vacation, don’t go overboard asking about ingredients or calorie count. If you’re traveling abroad, declining certain foods may be considered rude! When you eat alone, order healthy foods and eat small portions, but when you’re out with friends or family, it’s fine to indulge. After all, you’re on vacation!  Balance your food intake by sticking close to your at-home diet 80% of the time, and enjoying unusual local food 20% of the time. A few high-calorie meals or treats won’t harm your health or make you gain weight if you eat sensibly most of your vacation.

Vacation Tips for Healthy Eating

  • Use a small plate when eating at a buffet. You won’t be tempted to pile on as much food. If you can’t resist sampling cheesecake, pasta or fried chicken, share the goodies with a friend.
  • When eating in restaurants, limit high-fat items. These dishes are described as being creamy or creamed, fried, buttery, breaded or crispy. Choose low-calorie entrées that are roasted, grilled, charbroiled, stir-fried or poached.
  • If you’re driving to your destinations, plan pit stops around sit-down restaurants or Mom and Pop diners instead of fast food chains. If this isn’t possible, stick to salads (without dressing), veggie burgers, turkey burgers or grilled fast food items. Fast-food franchises list calorie totals of all menu items on their websites and in restaurants. Be safe and check calorie totals on the internet before you leave for your trip.

9. Avoid the Bar and the Mini-Bar

Beware of long nights at the bar. This is a lot easier said than done if you’re on vacation in Las Vegas, but pace yourself if you’re drinking with friends. Set a limit and stick to it. Avoid mixed drinks – they’re high in calories (a Long Island Iced Tea has 780 calories; a Pina Colada 644). Opt instead for red wine, a half-pint of beer or a mojito (without sugar syrup). If you prefer hard liquor straight, a shot of tequila is only 65 calories, and malt whisky is only 75 calories a serving. Drink water before going out to the bar to fill up so you drink less alcohol. Lock up the mini-bar if there’s one in your hotel room and stock up on bottled water instead.

10. Rent a Room with a Kitchenette and Explore Local Markets

Stay healthy on vacation by sampling local markets in your vacation destination. You’ll save money and learn about local culture. Farmer’s markets have fresh fruits, vegetables, juices and even spices.

Book a room with a kitchenette to cook foods from local markets. It’s a great way to save money and bond with your travel companions. Keep trail mix, fruit, bottled water and leftovers from the meals you’ve cooked in your mini-fridge instead of ordering room service.

Stay Healthy on Vacation with Wheatgrass!

You can take a wheatgrass supplement to get all the nutrients you need, stay regular and burn fat while on vacation. Wheatgrass is 70% chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is sometime called nature’s sunshine – it’s the pigment that makes plants green!

Chlorophyll gives wheatgrass its high value nutrients, which include calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, zinc, potassium, selenium and B-complex vitamins. Some wheatgrass supplement tablets contain extra B-complex vitamins, to give you even more energy and boost your mood before, during and after your vacation. Wheatgrass also has digestive enzymes to help you stay regular and all essential amino acids.

You can pack your wheatgrass supplements in their original bottles or a plastic baggie. Wheatgrass tablets are solid, so they aren’t included in the Liquid, Gel or Aerosol (LAG) limits. Liquid-filled soft gel capsules are forbidden under the LAG limits. Carrying a few hard supplement tablets in a plastic baggie in your carry-on luggage should pose no problem. Here’s an article(http://seniorliving.about.com/od/travelsmart/a/medicationsecur.htm ) about carrying prescription medicine, over the counter medication and supplements through airport security.

Zeal O2, REVV and Happy GirlWheatgrass Supplements Help You Stay Healthy on Vacation

Stay healthy on vacation or anytime by taking one of Wheatgrass Love’s wheatgrass supplements. If you’re new to wheatgrass tablets, we recommend taking them for a few weeks before traveling to get your body acclimated to them and to flush any toxins built up in your system.

Zeal O2 Natural Weight Loss Supplement helps flush toxins out of your body and prevents it from absorbing more. It skyrockets your energy and helps you focus by increasing blood and oxygen flow. It keeps your digestive system working efficiently so you avoid travel-related constipation. Zeal O2 has a proprietary blend to further enhance the health benefits of wheatgrass. We’ve added extra B-complex vitamins to the amount already in wheatgrass to keep your energy steady and battle the effects of jet lag. Our herbal blend contains cayenne pepper, green tea extract, ginger, gingko biloba and several other herbs to fight inflammation and give you more energy. Ginger is also great for the respiratory system, offering more protection from illness if you’re taking a cruise. Citrus Aurantium (bitter orange) increases your fat-burning capacity safely so you can maintain your weight on vacation without raising your blood pressure or heart rate. Order Zeal O2here: http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/zeal-buy-now

REVV Natural Energy Supplement gives you energy for sightseeing, hiking and other vacation activities. We take the power of high-grade wheatgrass and brain-boosting periwinkle herb and combine it with cocoa, caffeine, and L-taurine to make tasty chocolate mint wafers. Take REVV wafers as needed to boost your energy and mood on vacation or at home. OrderREVV Energy Supplement here: http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/revv-buy-now

Stay healthy on vacation with REVV, Zeal O2 and HappyGirl!

HappyGirl Natural Mood Enhancing Supplement uses the same high-grade wheatgrass as REVV and Zeal O2 to provide overall health benefits and skyrocket your energy. The additional B-complex vitamins help neutralize mood swings and keep you sharp and focused. That’s important while you’re traveling, especially if you have to stand in long security lines or rush to make connecting flights. HappyGirl‘s herbal blend includes green tea extract, ginger, cayenne pepper, fo-ti, gotu kola and ginseng to boost emotional and mental health and increase physical endurance. Order HappyGirl here:http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/happygirl-buy-now

To place an order or ask any questions about REVV, Zeal O2 or HappyGirl,call us at 877-303-1717. We’re so confident you’ll like Wheatgrass Love products, we offer a 365-day, complete satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy with our product, return it for a full refund.

14 Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss


Snacking between meals is usually associated with poor food choices and obesity, but choosing healthy snacks can help you lose weight, burn more fat and even curb your appetite. Fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds provide a low-calorie, high-nutrient boost for dieters between meals. With a little creativity, you can combine one or more healthy foods into a delicious, fat-burning snack. Try these 14 healthy snacks for weight loss.

1. Bananas and Peanut Butter

For enough protein to keep you going all day long, and carbs for a quick burst of energy, dip banana slices (or a whole banana) in peanut butter. A medium banana has 105 calories, and is loaded with fiber, potassium, Vitamin C and energy-spiking Vitamin B6. Researchers have found that peanut butter makes dieters feel full, curbing their desire to overeat. If you’re out of bananas, you can dip apple slices in peanut butter or spread it on Wheat Thins or whole-wheat bagels.

Eating a snack containing peanut butter or peanuts can stop hunger cravings for up to two and a half hours! A tablespoon of peanut butter has 90 calories and contains antioxidant-rich Vitamin E, magnesium for bones and Vitamin B6 to boost energy and immunity. And peanut butter provides monounsaturated fats – the “good” fats that promote heart health and help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. Choose low salt, low sugar or organic peanut butter over popular supermarket brands to avoid extra calories.

2. Greek Yogurt with Walnuts and Apple Slices

A cup of Greek yogurt with sliced apples and walnuts is a low-calorie breakfast or anytime healthy snack for weight loss. Greek yogurt is thicker and creamier than regular yogurt. It’s packed with probiotics to keep you regular and Vitamin B12 for energy and better brain function. One cup fat-free Greek yogurt is 120 calories. Add apple slices for their freshness, fiber and high Vitamin C content, and sprinkle on crushed walnuts to provide crunch, antioxidants and heart-healthy Omega 3 fatty acids.

3. Plain Popcorn with Cayenne Pepper

Make plain, air popped popcorn or pop on the stove using olive or canola oil. Avoid butter, salt, caramel and other high-calorie flavorings. Instead, sprinkle popcorn with fat-burning cayenne pepper or nutty-tasting nutritional yeast (which has plenty of Vitamin B12). A single cup of air-popped popcorn has a mere 31 calories, and 3.6 grams of fiber. It also has mood-enhancing magnesium and Vitamin B6, plus iron to help your body make healthy red blood cells.

4. Oatmeal with Blueberries

Fiber-rich oatmeal regulates blood sugar and fills you up to prevent you from overeating at the next meal. A cup of plain oatmeal has 166 calories and is high in potassium and calcium. Add fresh blueberries for sugar-free sweetness and plenty of inflammation-fighting Vitamin C. One ounce of blueberries has 16 calories and contains potassium, manganese and heart healthy Omega 3 fatty acids.

For more nutrients,use groats instead of oatmeal. Whole oat groats contain B-vitamins, magnesium, selenium, potassium, zinc and copper. They are unprocessed and contain the whole unhulled grain. Whole oat groats take much longer to cook than steel-cut or rolled oatmeal – an hour or more, but the extra time is well worth it for the health benefits. Groats help protect against cardiovascular disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. You can find groats at some health food stores.

5. Dark Chocolate

You don’t have to give up chocolate to lose weight. Trade in sugar and preservative-laden milk chocolate bars for unsweetened dark chocolate to satisfy your sweet tooth. Dark chocolate is actually good for you! It has healthy fats, which prevent the insulin spikes that harm your body’s ability to burn fat. A study conducted at the University of Copenhagen indicated that eating a small amount of dark chocolate on regular basis curbs your appetite and reduces the desire to eat sugary, salty or fatty foods.

Keep a bar of dark chocolate with you for a mid-afternoon snack. One ounce of dark chocolate has 155 calories, much less than gooey milk chocolate concoctions. Dark chocolate contains iron, magnesium, potassium, fiber and a small amount of Vitamin B12. Full of polyphenols and other cell-protecting antioxidants, dark chocolate (in small amounts) will help you burn fat and keep you healthy. For best nutritional value, buy organic dark chocolate with a 70% or higher cocoa content.

6. Kale Chips

It’s easy to make your own crunchy kale chips. Cut kale into small pieces and remove the stems. Wash and dry with a salad spinner. Sprinkle with your favorite seasoning (sea salt, cayenne pepper, 21 seasonings blend, etc) and olive oil. Bake on a cookie sheet in the oven at 350 degrees until crisp.

7. Grapes

With only 100 calories per 3.5 ounces, grapes are healthy snacks for weight loss. They fill you up fast due to their water content. Grapes offer many phytonutrients and antioxidants to prevent inflammation and disease. Quercetin, catechins, resveratrol and beta-carotene are just a few of the nutrients available in different grape varieties. Grapes are high in Vitamin K (necessary for bone health and blood clotting),potassium and energy-producing Vitamin B2.

Choose from green, red or blue/black grapes. You can store grapes in the fridge for up to a week or freeze them for a treat during hot summer days. Eat grapes plain, in a fruit salad with sliced melons, apples and berries, or with yogurt.

8. Peaches

Like grapes and other fruits high in water, peaches fill you up without adding many calories to your daily total. A small peach has 38 calories, and is a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and fiber. Peaches have free radical fighting antioxidants to help prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes. They also contain selenium, a mineral that guards against cell damage. The beta-carotene in peaches keeps your skin glowing and may guard against age-related vision loss. Eat a fresh, juicy peach as a snack or add sliced peaches to oatmeal or cereal.  Mix peach cubes or slices with other fruits to make a salad or add to yogurt.

9. Trail Mix with Seeds, Nuts and Dark Chocolate Chips

You can lose weight and boost energy by making your own trail mix. Choose from the following healthy ingredients:

Sunflower Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Dark Chocolate Chips




Sesame Seeds




Preservative and sugar-free dried fruit

Plain, air-popped popcorn

Nuts and seeds are loaded with antioxidants, fiber, Vitamin E and protein. A quarter cup of walnuts has 113% of the daily recommended value of heart-healthy Omega 3’s and 51% of a day’s manganese. Cashews and sesame seeds are high in copper, magnesium, manganese and zinc. Sunflower seeds are high in magnesium, energy-producing Vitamin B6 and iron.

Always use plain, unprocessed nuts and seeds. Include more seeds and nuts than dried fruits, which can dramatically increase calories if used to excess. Combine all items in an air tight container (or Ziploc bag) and shake until well-blended. Store in a cool, dry place.

Always keep servings to a quarter-cup. Mindlessly munching trail mix (like anything else) will disrupt your diet.

10. Hard Boiled Egg with Cayenne Pepper

Eggs aren’t just for breakfast. They’re one of the most nutritious healthy snacks for weight loss. A large, hard boiled egg has 77 calories, 6 grams of protein and branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine) to build muscle. And eggs have four B Vitamins for increased energy and enhanced mood – folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B5. Eggs are one of the best sources of choline, a nutrient that is essential for cell membrane signaling and neurotransmitter synthesis.

Boil a few eggs to pack in your lunch or snack on during the week. Spice up hard boiled eggs by sprinkling them with cayenne pepper. This hot flavorings contain capsaicin, a fat-burning compound found in chili peppers. The capsaicin helps curb your appetite so you won’t be tempted to eat too much later in the day. For lunch or dinner, add a few hard boiled egg slices to salads or make a sandwich with capers, parsley, garlic, bell pepper and hard boiled egg slices on a whole wheat roll.

11. Seaweed

The seaweed used to wrap sushi does more than hold your spicy tuna roll in place. Seaweed contains alginate, a substance that may reduce fat absorption in the gut by 75%, according to a study by Newcastle University in the UK. Seaweed’s high in iodine, which contributes to better thyroid function. The thyroid helps regulate weight, mood and metabolism, so it’s important to eat foods that keep it healthy. You can buy seaweed (or seaweed chips to snack on) from an Asian market or health food store. Major supermarkets do carry seaweed snacks, but be sure to check the label for additives and other undesirable ingredients.

Try making your own seaweed chips using nori sheets, sesame oil, garlic and cayenne pepper. Add seaweed to salads or soups – or mix with kale chips for a crunchy, nutrient-rich treat. And you can’t beat the calorie count – two tablespoons of kelp seaweed is 4 calories; 2 tablespoons of wakame seaweed sets you back 5 calories, and a tablespoon of spirulina seaweed is 20 calories.

12. Black Beans with Salsa in a Corn Tortilla

If you like Mexican food and want to lose weight, you don’t need to miss out on some of your favorites. Black beans are high in fiber and a half-cup has only 109 calories. A small corn tortilla is 63 calories and a tablespoon of salsa is 4 calories. Put them all together for one of the best healthy snacks for weight loss. A black bean and salsa taco is filling enough to stop hunger pangs and keep you from snacking on the wrong foods later.

13. Pineapple Pops

Pineapple’s high water content and inflammation-fighting antioxidants make it one of the best healthy snacks for weight loss. A cup of fresh pineapple has 83 calories and 105% of the daily recommended values (DRV) of Vitamin C. Pineapples contain bromelain, a substance containing cysteine proteinases, digestive enzymes that aid the intestinal tract. Adding pineapples to your diet will encourage regular elimination, preventing the sluggish digestion that keeps you bloated and overweight.

Use pineapple chunks in fruit salad along with kiwi, mangoes and other tropical fruits, or combine it with shrimp and grated ginger on romaine lettuce for a refreshing summer appetizer. Squeeze juice from fresh pineapples or use unsweetened pineapple juice to make frozen pineapple pops. Mix the juice from a whole pineapple and lime juice in a blender, then pour into a bowl and stir in almond or coconut milk. Place in popsicle molds and freeze.

14. String Cheese

One serving of string cheese is 80 calories, and it contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which calms you down and helps you get to sleep faster at night. Protein-rich string cheese has no carbohydrates and is portion-controlled and easy to store in your purse or backpack. A 2011 study showed that string cheese and other dairy products are healthy snacks for weight loss programs for premenopausal women.

Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss: More Tips to Stay Slim

  • Keep your refrigerator, kitchen cabinets and backpack filled with healthy snacks for weight loss. Don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry and always write a list to avoid impulse purchases.
  • You’ll be more likely to lose weight if you eat several small meals a day. Many nutritionists suggest eating every three to five hours to prevent the hunger pangs that cause overeating.
  • Include foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids (tuna, salmon, walnuts) as healthy snacks for weight loss. Omega 3’s help battle high blood pressure, anxiety and depression. A tablespoon pf plain dried walnuts is only 48 calories, and a cup of drained tuna chunks packed in water of 179 calories – much less than any processed snack from the convenience store.
  • Any snack with protein- eggs, turkey, tofu or cheese – contain amino acids to sharpen your mental clarity and improve concentration.

Zeal O2, REVV and HappyGirl Wheatgrass Supplements from LifeForce Nutraceuticals Offer Nutrients to Keep You Energized During Weight Loss

Supplement your weight loss program with wheatgrass tablets for extra fat burning power and more nutrition to keep you healthy. Wheatgrass is nature’s most powerful superfood, containing hundreds of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. Lifeforce Nutraceuticals offers three Wheatgrass Love wheatgrass products to fit your specific needs.

Zeal O2 Natural Weight Loss Supplement and Energy Booster  Get slim by eating healthy snacks for weight loss and taking Zeal O2 one to three times a day. Zeal O2 contains chlorophyll-rich wheatgrass to provide magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium, calcium and other minerals, all essential amino acids, hundreds of enzymes, Vitamins E,A,K, B-complex and C, and phytochemicals. These nutrients keep you healthy and alert during your diet and beyond. Anyone can use Zeal O2 to maintain their weight. Its herbal blend contains Citrus Aurantium (bitter orange) to help your body burn fat without adversely affecting your heart or blood pressure, goldenseal to detoxify your liver and aid circulation, cayenne pepper for more energy and fat burning ability, and over a dozen other herbs.

REVV Natural Energy Supplement – These tasty chocolate mint wafers are made with wheatgrass, cocoa, caffeine and circulation-boosting periwinkle herb to send your energy skyrocketing all day long. Wheatgrass boosts your energy naturally, so you won’t suffer from the crash and burn syndrome found in some energy drinks. The magnesium, amino acids and B-complex vitamins in wheatgrass help you stay calm while building better muscles and helping red blood cells grow to prevent anemia.

HappyGirl Natural Mood Enhancing Supplement is a 100% natural energy booster and mood enhanced formulated for women, but men and seniors can use it, too. Made with the same high-value wheatgrass as REVV and Zeal O2, HappyGirl has added B-complex vitamins to improve your mood and eliminate the ups and downs that come with your monthly cycle (or menopause). HappyGirl’s proprietary blend consists of cayenne pepper and gingko biloba to give you more energy and calm anxiety, plus damiana, gotu kola, white willow and close to a dozen more herbs, skillfully blended to reduce the effects of mild to moderate, non-clinical depression.

Read more about Lifeforce Nutraceuticals and Wheatgrass Love products or feel free to call us if you have any questions.

20 Superfoods for Stress Relief

When you’re stressed out, you won’t make the best food choices. Anxiety-ridden folks often eat cookies, candy, potato chips and other comfort foods to take their minds off their problems. This only intensifies stress, and may cause weight gain, high blood pressure or other chronic diseases. Live a calmer, healthier life by eating these 20 superfoods for stress relief.

1. Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass ranks highest on our list of superfoods for stress relief for hundreds of reasons. Wheatgrass is a young grass from the wheat family, and it’s used as a supplement for health and vitality. Wheatgrass offers anti-stress power from chlorophyll, a nutrient comprised of the mineralmagnesium. Magnesium is a proven antidote to stress and insomnia, and it’s a critical component of hundreds of enzyme reactions in your body. Wheatgrass offers all B-complex vitamins, which are necessary to maintain a good mood. Some supplements add extra B-complex vitamins to what’s already in high-grade wheatgrass for even more mood-enhancing power.

2. Ginger

When you’re feeling stressed out, eat some ginger, drink ginger tea or sprinkle some in your soup or salad. Ginger contains the antioxidant gingerol, which cleanses the body of harmful chemicals produced when we’re anxious. Used as a medicine in China, Asia and India for thousands of years, it’s excellent for treating nausea (and stress) caused by premenstrual syndrome, surgery, pregnancy or chemotherapy.

3. Green Tea

Green tea ranks with wheatgrass as one the best nutrient-heavy superfoods for stress relief. The amino acid L-theanine in green tea stimulates alpha waves in the brain,. L-theanine affects dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters in the brain that affect mood to help you relax during stressful times. Green tea and green tea extract contain small amounts of caffeine to boost energy gradually during the day. The L-theanine  counteracts the caffeine in green tea, helping you avoid that jittery caffeine feeling even if you drink a lot of it. The cell-protecting antioxidants in green tea include flavonoids and catechins, and Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) to give you overall health benefits.

4. Dark Chocolate

If you feel happier after eating chocolate, it’s due to more than the good taste. Studies have shown that dark chocolate reduces the stress hormone cortisol and catecholamines, hormones created by the adrenal glands as a result of stress. Researchers found that people who ate 1.4 ounces of dark chocolate every day for two weeks had significantly lower stress levels at the end of the study. Unsweetened dark chocolate has other health benefits. It’s full of flavonoids, an antioxidant proven to destroy cell-damaging free radicals and protect the body against disease. Dark chocolate also contains polyphenols, antioxidants that protect the heart from inflammation.

5. Cayenne Pepper

A chili pepper and popular “hot” spice used in Cajun cooking, cayenne pepper has been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years. The chemical capsaicin gives cayenne pepper its heat. In the 1990s, British researchers found that cayenne pepper is a potential superfood for stress relief, fatigue and depression. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper helps increase blood flow to the brain and throughout the body, boosting mental function and energy.

You’ll find capsaicin used as an ingredient in topical creams for arthritis and nerve pain. It reduces arthritis pain by decreasing substance P in your body, preventing it from sending signals to your brain. Adding cayenne pepper to your food may help you eat less and burn calories, according to a study by Purdue University.

6. Oranges

An article in Prevention Magazine states that just the scent of oranges or other citrus fruits can relieve stress. Eating oranges, with their high Vitamin C content, reduces the stress hormone cortisol and helps you manage daily stress better. Studies conducted on rats undergoing stress indicated Vitamin C stopped the animals from showing the physical and emotional signs of stress. Any citrus fruit (or unsweetened fruit juice) can calm your nerves when anxiety strikes. And oranges are immune system boosters, guarding against colds and the flu.

7. Ginseng

Researchers have cited ginseng, along with ginkgo biloba, as a natural treatment for anxiety. One of the spice superfoods for stress relief, ginseng has been shown to prevent stress in animal studies. The saponins in ginseng affect the adrenal glands, which produce the stress hormones cortisone and adrenaline. Most people drink ginseng tea or take it as a supplement, but you can eat ginger root. Ginseng is also used as a weight loss aid and treatment for sexual dysfunction.

8. Periwinkle

Periwinkle herb contains vincamine, which is well-regarded as a memory-booster. Taking a periwinkle herb supplement or drinking periwinkle tea helps increase blood flow to the brain, enabling you to think clearly during stressful times. Periwinkle herb is used in Europe as a treatment for dementia.

9. Blueberries

Blueberries are one of the best superfoods for stress relief- or whatever ails you. They’re packed with Vitamin C, Vitamin K and manganese, but their real power lies in the phytonutrients they contain. Blueberries get their blue color from anthocyanins. One of several antioxidant groups of phytonutrients in this nutritious fruit, anthocyanins help protect cells against free radicals and offer cognitive and cardiovascular benefits. Blueberries boost brain function and memory for all age groups,  helping you stay focused during stressful times.

10. Avocados

Low in sugar and loaded with stress-reducing folate (Vitamin B9) and Vitamin B6, avocados are a tasty addition to salads and sandwiches. This nutrient-heavy superfood is also a great source of protein and fiber. Avocados are high in glutathione, an antioxidant that helps cleanse the liver and rid the body of toxins that cause anxiety.  If you develop acne or other skin problems when you’re stressed-out, the Vitamin E, Vitamin C and high oleic acid (a monosatured fatty acid) in avocados help regenerate compromised skin cells and stop irritation.

11. Salmon

Salmon is one of the best superfoods for stress relief because it contains several key nutrients, including Omega 3 fatty acids, and magnesium and B-complex vitamins. Studies have shown that foods with Omega 3 fatty acids containing eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) can reduce anxiety and depression when consumed on a regular basis. B-complex vitamins help the body make mood-regulating serotonin and melatonin, an antioxidant that gives you a feeling of well-being and helps you fall asleep. Magnesium has been called nature’s “chill pill” and magnesium deficiency can cause stress, depression and insomnia.

12. Mint

Mint does more than flavor food and fresh up your mouth. Its aroma triggers the salivary glands and glands that secrete digestive enzymes. Anxiety often causes stomach problems that interfere with digestion, and mint aids the digestive process even before you’ve taken a bite. Mint’s fresh aroma can relieve stress-related nausea or headaches. Mint tea or a supplement containing mint may alleviate the fatigue and depression associated with anxiety. This study published by The Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, shows that mint is a mild stimulant that can aid mental function during times of stress or low energy. Studies also indicate that people who chew mint gum are more alert and have better memories than people who don’t include mint in their daily routine.

You can use mint leaves or mint extract to flavor food or make tea. Mint leaves contain stress-fighting Vitamin C, antioxidants and magnesium. It’s has dietary fiber, iron and potassium as well, nutrients you might not associate with such a delicate herb. Although considered a garnish or flavoring by many people, mint is one of the most important superfoods for stress relief.

13. Turkey

The amino acid tryptophan in turkey causes your brain to release serotonin. This hormone calms you down and relieves anxiety, negative thoughts and poor concentration. Avoid the salt and preservatives of processed turkey, which can raise blood pressure, and eat only sodium-free, organic turkey for the best anxiety-reducing benefits. Turkey contains Vitamins B12 and B6 to boost mood and energy-producing vitamins B3 and B2.

14. Pumpkin, Sunflower, and Sesame Seeds

You don’t have to give up crunchy snacks to eat healthy. Salt-free pumpkin, sunflower, and sesame seeds contain stress-relieving magnesium. Magnesium supports mood by acting as a conduit for serotonin and other neurotransmitters. You can carry a bag of seeds with you to munch on whenever you need a quick, anti-stress pick-me-up. Sunflower seeds contain tryptophan, which signals your body to produce more serotonin, and sesame seeds are high in energy-boosting Vitamin B1 and iron. A quarter cup of pumpkin seeds has 48% of the daily recommended intake of magnesium, plus 74% of the DRI of manganese to control blood sugar.

15. Cashews

A diet low in zinc(http://www.naturalnews.com/041890_chronic_anxiety_zinc_levels_copper.html) has been shown to increase anxiety disorders in some patients. A quarter cup of cashews contains 21% of the DRI of zinc and 29% of the DRI for magnesium. Don’t overdo it, though -cashews are relatively high in calories compared to other superfoods for stress relief, clocking in at 221 calories for a quarter cup. Eating cashews in moderation may provide enough zinc and magnesium to guard against anxiety. Including cashews and other nuts in your diet at least twice a week also reduces your chance of gaining weight – as long as you don’t binge!

16. Garlic

Garlic – “the stinking rose” offers dozens of health benefits. It contains antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and guard against colds, cancer and heart disease. Anxiety wreaks havoc with your immune system, and the antioxidants in garlic (including the powerful compound allicin) keep your body strong enough to stay healthy during stressful times. Garlic helps regulate blood pressure and reduces cholesterol and triglycerides. If you are prone to high blood pressure during times of stress, or if your family has a history of cardiovascular disease, increasing your intake of garlic can be a lifesaver. Tip – use fresh garlic instead of garlic powder. Like other raw vegetables, it tastes better and has more health benefits

17. Oatmeal

Oatmeal triggers serotonin production in your brain to give you a pleasant, calm feeling. Choose a canister of Quaker Oats or another brand over flavored, pre-packaged oatmeal, which usually contains sugar, artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Cooking oatmeal the old-fashioned way means it will take longer to digest, prolonging serotonin’s calming effect. Raw, unprocessed oatmeal has mood-enhancing zinc, magnesium and Vitamin B1, making it one of the best superfoods for stress relief.

Groats are the whole grain version of oats, and are usually sold only as horse feed. Groats are cut up into smaller pieces and sold as steel-cut oats. Steel cut oats take longer to cook than rolled oats, which are rolled out, flattened steamed groats. Most oatmeal sold in stores is rolled; steel cut oats and groats are healthier. You can buy groats online and from health food stores. It takes a few hours to cook groats, but they provide more nutrients than store-bought oatmeal. Groats are high in protein, potassium and calcium.

18. Yogurt

A 2014 study conducted by the University of Baltimore showed that teens who ate more yogurt and other fermented foods than their peers experienced less stress. Teens who were at risk for social anxiety benefited the most, according to the study. The probiotics in fermented food improve gut bacteria, and there’s a gut/brain link that helps reduce social anxiety. Another study, at UCLA’s School of Medicine, involved 36 women between the ages of 18 and 53. Women who ate yogurt twice a day experienced reduced activity in the emotional region of the brain and increased activity in the decision-making part of the brain. Eating a cup or two of non-sweetened yogurt is great for improving your calcium intake, and it’s one of the best superfoods for stress relief.

19. Pistachios

Pistachios join the list of superfoods for stress relief due to their high magnesium, Vitamin B6 and iron content. A study at Penn State concluded that pistachios may reduce your reaction to everyday stress. Diets containing pistachio nuts were shown to relax blood vessels in participants who had normal blood pressure and high cholesterol. Pistachios only contain 4 calories each, and the rhythmic act of shelling each nut may be calming for some people. Decaying pistachios may develop a toxic mold called aflatoxin, so choose fresh, organic nuts and  avoid ones bleached or dyed during processing.

20. Ginkgo Biloba

Gingko biloba, derived from one of the oldest species of trees, is a best-selling herbal supplement used to treat dozens of conditions. It’s been used successfully in Germany and other countries to treat dementia and generalized anxiety disorder. A 2006 study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research showed that EGb 761®, a gingko biloba extract, worked as well for anxiety disorder as benzodiazepines, but had no side effects. Anti-anxiety drugs may cause nausea, blurred vision, clumsiness, slurred speech and dizziness. People who suffer from occasional stress can take an antioxidant-rich gingko biloba supplement to soothe frayed nerves. Flavonoids and terpenoids, two substances in ginkgo biloba, protect cells from free radicals and ill effects created by stress.

Wheatgrass is One of the Best Superfoods for Stress Relief, and You Can Find it in HappyGirl, Zeal O2and REVV

At Lifeforce Nutraceuticals,we offer three wheatgrass supplements to relieve stress and improve overall health.

HappyGirl Mood Enhancment Supplement harnesses the power of high-value wheatgrass with added B-complex vitamins to neutralize anxiety and mood swings regardless of the cause. Whether you feel anxious due to a job interview, everyday stress, menopause or PMS, HappyGirl can help you feel like yourself in no time. The proprietary blend of herbs added to HappyGirl’s wheatgrass includes  several superfoods for stress relief- ginger, gingko biloba, green tea extract, cayenne pepper and ginseng. HappyGirl isn’t just for women– men and seniors can use it, too! Read more about HappyGirl here:http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/mood-enhancement-supplement

REVV Natural Energy Supplement is a 100% natural source of instant energy and vitality. These delicious chocolate wafers are made with high-grade wheatgrass, and the superfoods cocoa and periwinkle herbs, two of the superfoods for stress relief. We’ve included caffeine and L-taurine to increase focus and give you even more energy. Read more about REVVhere: http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/natural-energy-supplement

Many people with high stress levels are overweight due to a poor diet.Zeal O2 Natural Weight Loss Supplement is a great addition to any healthy weight loss program. Zeal O2 offers all the health benefits of wheatgrass, with its hundreds of nutrients, including magnesium, B-complex vitamins and amino acids. The herbal blend of superfoods added to wheatgrass include cayenne pepper, gingko biloba, green tea extract, ginseng and ginger – and we’ve added Citrus Aurantium (bitter orange) to help you burn more fat safely, without the dangerous side effects of ephedra. Read more about Zeal O2 here: http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/natural-weight-loss-supplement

We’re so sure you’ll love Zeal O2, REVV and HappyGirl, we offer a money-back guarantee. If you’re not happy with any Wheatgrass Love product, you can send the unused portion back for a 100% refund. Always talk to your doctor before taking any dietary supplement.  

What Happens When You Detox Your Body

Detoxification or detox for short, is the process which eliminates dangerous toxins from the body. While this term is normally identified with drug or alcohol abuse, you can also detox your body from a bad diet, smoking, over the counter and prescription medication, or environmental toxins, with or without the help of a specialist.  Detox your body, mind and spirit to lead a healthier, happier life. What constitutes a diet detox, and what happens when you detox your body? Here are several facts about why you need to detox, how to do it and what to expect during the process.  

How Do I Know I Need to Detox My Body?

You may want to detox your body if you’ve been eating too much junk food, drinking too much soda or coffee, smoking or engaging in other unhealthy activities for a long time.

Detoxification, also called cleansing, eliminates toxins that enter the body from several sources. Toxins from junk food, fried food, cigarettes, soda, air pollution and other environmental pollution are just a few of the toxins we encounter in our daily lives. Some toxins we don’t normally think about come from cleaning products we use, mold in our homes and workplaces and insecticides. Even if you are committed to using organic cleaning products or insecticides in your home, you may still come in contact with them when you’re outdoors or in other people’s homes without knowing it.

Your body develops toxins during the breakdown of protein. Yeast, fungi and bacteria in your digestive system produce substances that create toxins and can lead to poor health or disease if you don’t detox through a wheatgrass or water cleanse, exercise and a good diet.

Suffering from Low Energy? Here’s How a Body Detox Helps

When you’ll constantly tired, gulping coffee and energy drinks will give you a sudden burst of energy followed by the inevitable crash. A moderate amount of caffeine helps your liver to detox your body, but too much may slow liver function. If you take acetaminophen (Tylenol, Panadol, etc.) regularly, drinking too much coffee may cause serious liver damage.

Don’t depend on coffee to boost your energy. Cleanse your body by changing your diet, getting more sleep and taking a wheatgrass supplement. By breaking down carbohydrates into glucose, wheatgrass naturally increases your energy. Powered by chlorophyll, the green pigment that gives plants their color, wheatgrass contains a bounty of nutrients. They include B-complex vitamins, amino acids, magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium and hundreds of enzymes. Wheatgrass juice or a wheatgrass supplement will help flush out toxins in your body and prevent it from absorbing more poison from food, drink and the environment.

Amino Acids Help You Detox Your Body

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. The tens of thousands of proteins in your body are made from amino acids. A protein may contain a few hundred amino acids or tens of thousands of them. There are 20 essential amino acids used by our bodies to generate protein and three additional protein-making amino acids that don’t have a blueprint for creation with our genes.

There are essential and nonessential amino acids. You must get essential amino acids from your diet or supplements. Your body can’t produce them. Non-essential amino acids are produced by your body, but you can also eat food or take supplements that contain more of these nutrients. Amino acids break down food, repair tissue, help produce energy and perform other biological functions. If you always feel lackluster, you may not be getting enough essential amino acids in your diet. The essential amino acids include leucine, aspartic acid, tryptophan, valine, histidine and methionine.

You get essential amino acids from eating a variety of good food. Eggs, lean red meat, tofu and dairy products are the best source of amino acids. Plant-based sources include turnip greens, sunflower seeds, spinach, buckwheat, rice, cranberries, avocados and peanuts. Eat a diet of whole, fresh foods to get a sufficient amount of amino acids in your diet. You can take a wheatgrass supplement, which is loaded with essential and nonessential acids, if you feel you don’t get enough from food.

Cleanse with Water Every Morning

A glass of water every morning – or better yet water with lemon- will hydrate you and start the daily detox session. After sleeping for 7 or 8 hours, you need to break your fast with liquid as well as food. You can drink tea, juice or coffee after you’ve had your morning glass of water. Water gets your digestive system moving, helping you stay regular and avoid the extra pounds caused by chronic constipation.

Drinking unsweetened green tea, black tea or herbal tea also hydrates you and fills you up. The caffeine in green tea and black tea give you energy bit by bit. You won’t experience the rapid buzz and jittery feeling you get when you drink a big cup of coffee.

What Happens During a Body Detox – Side Effects of Wheatgrass and Dietary Changes for Detox

Wheatgrass supplement tablets are powerful tools for cleansing your body. If you’re detoxing after years of bad food and unhealthy habits, taking wheatgrass will result in some side effects.  They include nausea, which is usually a result of detoxing in the body. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass removes toxins by making tissues release these harmful elements. When you first take wheatgrass tablets or drink wheatgrass juice, you may feel nauseous due to the sudden release of toxins. What seems like a negative experience is actually a good one – the nausea indicates toxins are leaving your body. After you’ve taken wheatgrass for awhile, the nausea will go away as more toxins disappear. You should take wheatgrass tablets on an empty stomach. You’ll be more likely to experience nausea if you take wheatgrass tablets with food.

If you get diarrhea after taking wheatgrass, you’re taking too much. Always start by taking one wheatgrass tablet per day and build up to more as side effects disappear. If you have a sensitive stomach, you may want to take half a wheatgrass tablet at the beginning of body detox.

If you have a cold or the flu, you should wait until you feel better to take wheatgrass. The side effects of body detox through wheatgrass are similar to cold symptoms. You may experience coughing, nasal congestion, headaches or even mild fever.

If you’re allergic to wheat, don’t worry, wheatgrass is a sprout it doesn’t contain the same allergic properties wheat does.

Although nausea and other side effects subside once you take wheatgrass on a daily basis, its taste will remain less than pleasing.

Health-conscious people who exercise and eat a healthy diet will have fewer problems with wheatgrass side effects than individuals detoxing from a poor diet, smoking or other bad habits.

You should drink eight or more glasses of water daily when you begin taking a wheatgrass supplement, if you aren’t doing so already. Water aids the detox process by ridding your body of toxins through urine, bowel movements and sweat. If you suffer from constipation, your body builds up toxins, causing weight gain, sluggishness and ill health. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet and exercise daily to detox your body.

Even after you feel better, you still need to eat right and continue all the healthy habits you started during detox. Renewing unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits with the idea that you can detox your body anytime you want to is a mistake. Ongoing health and energy is the ultimate goal. Sure, even the most health-conscious among us may eat too much at a holiday dinner or give into friends on an outing and eat cotton candy or greasy burgers. You can detox your body within a day or two after small slip-ups, and most of us will binge on bad foods once in awhile. You want to avoid using detox as an excuse for regular “bad food” binges. This “back and forth” type of lifestyle will damage your body in the long run.

Even if you don’t take wheatgrass tablets, you may experience some of the side effects mentioned above during your initial diet detox. When you transition from an unhealthy diet to a clean one, headaches, hunger pangs and fatigue are common. Since your body is ridding itself of toxins, you may experience frequent urination, more bowel movements and flatulence. This means the detox is working! You may want to avoid social outings during the first few days of your detox, when this cleansing process is most likely to occur.

Detoxification is an Ongoing Habit

Even if you eat well and exercise, you’re still subjected to toxins in the air, water and products you use everyday. This makes it important to pay attention to what your body (and mood changes) are telling you. Environmental toxins can cause depression, nausea, chills, fever, weakness, skin rash and other symptoms. If you suffer from these ailments it may be due to pesticides, air pollutants, pharmaceuticals, phthalates, or PCBs. Phthalates, chemicals used in many common products, may be toxic. Studies have shown this chemical excreted in the urine of women of child-bearing age and infants. PCBs, banned in 1979, were once used in electrical equipment and plasticizers.

You may be exposed to toxins daily even if you eat good food and abstain from smoking and alcohol. That’s why a detox diet should be permanent. You’ll feel better, look better and be less likely to develop heart disease, cancer or other life-threatening conditions. A detox diet isn’t about eating fewer calories – it’s about eating better food and drinking more water and cleansing beverages. According to a 2002 study at the University of San Francisco, “we are many times (even unknowingly) protected by the foods we eat. A judicious choice of food will counteract noxious agents.”

Change Your Eating Habits

If you’ve eaten processed foods, junk food and indulged in soda and beer daily for years, this is easier said than done. Instead of going “cold turkey”, you could introduce fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, wheatgrass, nuts and seeds into your diet over a few weeks.

Maintain a Alkaline pH Balance to Detox Your Body

The pH balance of your blood is a good indicator of your overall health. The best blood pH balance is between 7.35 and 7.45. Any pH level below 7.0 is acidic, and will reduce energy produced in cells and limit the body’s ability to detoxify heavy metals. The body will be unable to absorb vitamins and minerals. Fatigue and illness set in and tumor cells appear when the diet is high in acidic foods.

Acidosis and obesity are common due to the average American diet of acid-producing red meat, fried foods, sweets and processed foods. Introducing alkaline-producing vegetables, fruits and spices into your diet will balance your pH. Monitor your eating habits. Write down what you eat, how much and when. Determine which foods are acidic and replace them with neutral or alkaline foods.

Most processed or junk foods are acidic. They include soft drinks, beer, coffee, candy, artificial sweeteners, cakes and pastry made from white flour, sugar, salt, sweetened yogurt and fried foods. Consuming toxins through bad food, tobacco and alcohol will keep you fat and tired. Over time, it may cause cancer or other diseases.

Choose from vegetables, fruits, almonds, sesame seeds, raw honey and other alkaline foods to detox your body. Add cinnamon, turmeric, saffron, cayenne pepper and other spices to meals. Spices and herbs are alkaline, and they make most foods taste better. You’ll still need to eat some slightly or moderately acidic foods, including bananas, cranberries, walnuts, cashews, blueberries and oatmeal, to maintain a proper blood pH.

A Wheatgrass Supplement from Wheatgrass Love Will Help Your Detox Your Body, Mind and Spirit

Wheatgrass Love offers three wheatgrass supplements to help you detox more easily. Eating a good diet may be difficult at first if you’ve spent years grabbing meals on the go, and the hundreds of nutrients in wheatgrass will provide detoxifying elements to help bring your body back to optimal health.

Many people in need of body detox  are overweight, and Zeal O2 Natural Weight Loss Supplement combines high-value wheatgrass and a herbal blend of cayenne pepper, gingko biloba, green tea extract, ginseng, and Citrus Aurantium to help you burn fat more efficiently while you detox. Rid your body of toxins and lose weight with Zeal O2. Read more about it here: http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/natural-weight-loss-supplement

HappyGirl Natural Mood Enhancing Supplement combines wheatgrass and a proprietary blend of green tea extract, fo-ti, white willow, gotu kola, damiana and other herbs to improve your mood while it detoxes your system. The nutrients in HappyGirl are formulated to neutralize mood swings and give you energy to detox mind and body. Read more aboutHappyGirl here: http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/mood-enhancement-supplement

REVV Natural Energy Supplement has the same high-grade wheatgrass as our other products, along with periwinkle herb, L-Taurine and Choline Bitartrate, to give you energy while you detox – or anytime. These chocolate mint wafers contain 100% natural ingredients to increase endurance for sports, exercise or other activities. You can read more about REVV here: http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/natural-energy-supplement

We’re so confident you’ll love Zeal O2, REVV and HappyGirl, we offer a money-back guarantee. If you’re not happy with any Wheatgrass Love product, you can send the unused portion back for a 100% refund. Always talk to your doctor before taking any dietary supplement.  

Benefits of Yoga for Weight Loss

If you’ve lived a sedentary lifestyle for so long, any type of exercise seems daunting to you, yoga may get you up and moving again. Most yoga poses involve stretching for flexibility and strength, but you can lose weight fast by practicing Ashtanga or other vigorous forms of yoga. There are many benefits of yoga for weight loss, from mindfulness and better digestion to fat-burning from a sweaty session of Bikram yoga.

All types of yoga, including slow-paced Hatha yoga, help you burn calories. The more strenuous the yoga, the more calories- and fat- you’ll burn. Power and Ashtanga yoga can burn up to 360 calories per hour; the slower, non-aerobic forms of yoga can still burn 180 calories per hour, depending on the poses you practice. There’s even yoga fusion, which combines yoga poses with kickboxing or other cardio workouts.

Gentle Yoga Increases Mindfulness to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Restorative, gentle yoga can work just as well as more energetic forms of yoga. Regular yoga for weight loss calms the parasympathetic nervous system. This balances hormones and slows down your body (in a good way), so it can rest and rejuvenate from the day’s activities. Gentle yoga repairs the body physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The success of any weight loss program starts in the mind. If you don’t have the desire or willpower to eat less and exercise more – and stick to your weight loss plan till you reach your goal –  buying lots of fancy exercise equipment and pre-packaged diet meals won’t help you.

Yoga, or any other physical activity, will increase endorphins and make you feel better, help tone your body and burn calories (even if it’s just a small amount). You shouldn’t depend on yoga alone to burn fat, but use it as part of your exercise program. Choose from several options, including walking, jogging, swimming, strength training and aerobic dancing as part of your weekly workouts for best results. Gentle or Hatha Yoga may be used as flexibility training or stress reduction between cardiovascular workouts. The mindfulness yoga provides is part of a long-term weight maintenance plan. Yoga keeps you focused to eat good food and follow through on your weight loss goals.

Detoxification – An Overlooked Benefit of Yoga for Weight Loss

Gentle yoga not only repairs the body, but detoxifies it as well. When you’re overweight from eating too much of the wrong foods, your body harbors toxins that cause heart disease, diabetes and cancer Your liver and kidneys may not be working properly and ridding your body of dangerous toxins. You’ll gain weight when organs aren’t working to flush out harmful substances. Yoga breathing, or pranayama, teaches you to control your breathe and use all of your lungs, bringing more oxygen to your body. This relieves stress, reducing nervous binge eating and clearing your system of toxins. Self-control through pranayama leads to peace of mind and a more healthful body.

Yoga stimulates the body’s organs, improving the way they function. The Full Twist and other spinal twists squeeze the kidneys, liver and intestines, aiding digestion. The Shoulder Stand improves thyroid function, boosting metabolism and leading to more burned calories. Inverted poses widen the intestines and help food move easily through the digestive system. The headstand and other “upside down” poses stimulate the lymphatic system by draining blood out of your legs and improving circulation.

Eliminate Food Cravings and Lose Weight Through Yoga

Yoga helps you instinctively eat healthier by reducing emotional cravings for certain foods. Most overeating is caused by automatic or emotional impulses, not true hunger, and yoga helps to quell those feelings. People who practice yoga for weight loss eat more mindfully and don’t eat when they’re bored or stressed-out. The emotional eating binges that pack on pounds fade away, and self-awareness leads to better food choices.

The Benefits of Yoga for Weight Loss Increase in Middle Age

Yoga can help middle-aged folks who have a tough time losing weight. A study shows middle-aged yoga enthusiasts lost an average of five pounds over ten years, while participants who didn’t practice yoga gained 14 pounds over the same ten year period.

A 2013 study conducted at the University of California, San Diego consisted of two groups of obese women. One group had stretching sessions for 48 weeks; the other restorative yoga sessions. The women performing yoga lost just over 13 inches of subcutaneous fat and an average of 3.75 pounds. The stretching group lost 0.93 inches of fat and 1.54 pounds. Restorative yoga may reduce cortisol levels, which are elevated by stress and increase the amount of belly fat.

Scientists and Doctors Weigh in on Yoga for Weight Loss

On LiveScience.com, several experts gave their opinion on yoga and weight loss. They all agree that power yoga, Ashtanga and vigorous forms of yoga that raise your heart rate can help you lose weight.  But Hatha yoga and gentle yoga contribute to weight loss, too. “The practice of yoga and meditation may aid the development of mindfulness during mealtimes, aiding awareness of portions sizes, food preparation, and eating speed.” says Annie B. Kay, a nutritionist at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Stockbridge Mass.   

Vinyasa Yoga for Weight Loss

Vinyasa or flow yoga, consists of asanas synchronized with the breath. This form of yoga  uses slow movements that flow into one another, similar to a dance. You move from one asana to another while inhaling or exhaling. While not as intense as power or Bikram yoga, Vinyasa involves changeable sequencing that can be altered for more efficient weight loss. The Sun Salutation, a series of asanas that includes the Down Dog, Chaturanga and Upward Dog, burns up to 500 calories during one hour of practice. Vinyasa means connection in Sanskrit, and it bridges the gap between gentle yoga and vigorous yoga. .It’s a moderate form of yoga for people ready to tackle something more challenging than Hatha yoga, but not as strenuous as power yoga.

Ashtanga Yoga – A Combination of Vinyasa Flow Poses and More

Ashtanga yoga, developed from an ancient Sanskrit text. Yoga Mala, the first modern interpretation of this text, was published in 1958. Ashtanga yoga includes six series of poses. The first series, called Yoga Chikitsa (or Yoga Therapy), includes asanas to detoxify the body, realign the spine and build strength and stamina. Consisting of Sun Salutations, standing, seated and inverted poses and ending with backbends, the first series has a total of 75 poses. They are performed in one session lasting up to two hours. The second series purifies the nervous system. Called Nadi Shodana, students learn it when they’ve mastered Yoga Chikitsa. It consists of the same poses as the first series with variations and some new poses added. Students learn this after they’ve mastered the first series. The last four series, Sthira Bhaga, include difficult arm balances, and few students move on to these poses.

Work Up a Sweat – Try Bikram Yoga for Weight Loss

Bikram Yoga is named after its founder, Bikram Choudhury. It’s a vigorous form of yoga with specific postures and requirements. It consists of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises, which must be performed in order in a room heated to 100 degrees in no less than 90 minutes. That may sound rough, but there’s a method behind the madness. Bikram yoga gives every part of your body a workout, and the heat helps your body sweat out toxins. Many athletes practice bikram yoga. It conditions their bodies for competition, and helps prevent injuries. The asanas (poses) are designed to improve all muscle groups and improve balance and strength. The poses release oxygen to joints, organs and muscles. It takes awhile for new students to become accustomed to the heated studio, but after three to four lessons, most students adapt and see a change in their energy and health. The typical Bikram yoga session burns 475 calories per hour, or  712 calories per session.

Power Yoga Burns More Calories and Energizes You for Better Weight Loss   

Power yoga is a fast-moving, intense workout based on Ashtanga yoga. You move quickly from one asana to the next, working up a calorie-burning sweat. Unlike Hatha Yoga, which focuses on flexibility, power yoga  is geared for strength training. You will lift and hold your body weight several times during a class. You may perform the same set of poses in each class or mix new poses with old ones, depending on your teacher’s preferences. For weight loss at home or in class, try performing the wind releasing pose, followed by the cobra, bow, side stretch, warrior, extended angle. Follow up with the eagle, pigeon, Cow-face and seated forward bend.

Increase Chances of Losing Weight through Yoga by Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Doing yoga (or any regular exercise program) won’t help you lose weight unless you make other changes. You’ll need to eat a clean diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, whole grains, nuts, beans, and a small amount of dairy and lean meat. If you’re practicing yoga, eating good food will become second nature to you. The calorie count for women on a diet shouldn’t exceed 1,200 calories a day; men shouldn’t consume more than 1,500 calories a day. You may need more calories a day depending on your age, health and weight. You should always check with your doctor before starting a serious weight loss plan. Counting calories may seem like a chore, but if you eat only fresh, unprocessed food and avoid sweets, fried food, soda and alcohol, you may not need to bother totaling up calories after each meal. Clean food fills you up without skyrocketing your daily calorie count.

A Wheatgrass Supplement is a Great Addition to your Yoga and Weight Loss Plan

When you’re trying to lose weight (or anytime), you want to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need. If you can’t get them from your food, taking a wheatgrass supplement is one of the best ways to stay healthy and energetic. Wheatgrass is young grass taken from a wheat plant, and its leaves are crushed to make wheatgrass juice, wheatgrass powder or wheatgrass supplement tablets. Wheatgrass is filled with hundreds of nutrients – many more than a multivitamin. Wheatgrass contains mostly chlorophyll, the green pigment that gives plants their color. Chlorophyll has dozens of vitamins and minerals, including B-complex vitamins for energy, Vitamins C, E, A and K plus magnesium, potassium, selenium, zinc, iron and other minerals. Wheatgrass has amino acids and enzymes necessary for biological functions in the body. By taking a wheatgrass supplement daily, you can get all the nutrients you need for health energy and better mental function during a diet or anytime.

Take Zeal O2 Natural Weight Loss Supplement and Energy Booster to Get Slim Fast

The benefits of yoga for weight loss and eating a clean diet will help you feel and look better, but you can improve your results by taking Zeal 02 Weight Loss Supplement from Wheatgrass Love. Our wheatgrass tablets are carefully formulated to give you all the nutrients you need to maintain energy and stay healthy while you lose weight. We add extra B-complex vitamins to high-grade wheatgrass, increasing its nutrient power. All the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes in wheatgrass help you flush out harmful toxins and prevent you from absorbing more. It improves your peristaltic movement to rid you of the excess weight caused by sluggish digestion, increases mental clarity and a whole lot more. We add herbal blend including green tea extract, citrus Aurantium, gotu kola, ginseng, gingko biloba and cayenne pepper to speed up your metabolism and keep your appetite in check. Boost your chances of successful yoga for weight loss by eating healthy and taking Zeal O2!

Read more about Zeal O2 here: http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/natural-weight-loss-supplement

Instead of energy drinks, try REVV Natural Energy Supplement with wheatgrass. Made with cocoa, periwinkle herb and caffeine to add even more energy to our high grade wheatgrass, these tasty chocolate mint wafers give you a boost whenever you need it. Increase your vitality and endurance for sports, exercise or daily activities with REVV! Read more about it here: http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/natural-energy-supplement

HappyGirl Natural Mood Enhancing Supplement contains a wheatgrass and herbal blend to balance mood swings and increase mental function and concentration. The Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6 added to the natural vitamins already in wheatgrass increases the mood enhancing power of this wheatgrass supplement. Green tea extract, cayenne pepper and other herbs know to enhance mood are also included. HappyGirl is excellent for neutralizing occasional mood swings due to PMS or mild to moderate non-clinical depression. (Men and seniors can use HappyGirl, too!) Read more about HappyGirl here: http://wheatgrasslove.com/products/mood-enhancement-supplement

We’re so confident you’ll like Zeal O2, HappyGirl and REVV that we offer a money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied, return the unused portion for a full refund. Always ask your doctor before taking any dietary supplement. (Dietary supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.)

Best Herbs for Depression

With all the side effects (and the expense) of prescription antidepressants, it’s no wonder more people are looking for natural alternatives to treating depression. Meditation, exercise, music therapy, herbal supplements and other non-prescription methods can improve mood if used on a regular basis. Dozens of vitamins, minerals and herbs for depression offer varying degrees of relief for mild to moderate depression or the occasional case of the blues.  Check out this list of some of the best herbs for depression. We’ve also included vitamins and minerals essential for treating depression naturally.

Research Proves Green Tea and Green Tea Extract are Among the Best Herbs for Depression

A study conducted in Kyushu, Japan examined the effect of green tea, coffee and caffeine on depression system. It involved 537 men and women in two workplaces, and concluded that “Higher green tea consumption was associated with a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms. Compared with participants consuming ≤1 cup/d, those consuming ≥4 cups green tea/d had a 51% significantly lower prevalence odds of having depressive symptoms”.

Green tea contains L-theanine. This water soluble amino acid, also found in black tea, increases the level of the neurotransmitter dopamine and may increase serotonin (the “happiness” hormone) in the brain. Dopamine is released as a “reward” in the brain after people eat a good meal or have sex. It may also increase the amount of the acid GABA (Gamma-Amino-Butyric Acid), which reduces neuron activity in the brain. Slowed neuron activity creates a sense of calm. This makes green tea and green tea extract a good choice to treat anxiety as well as depression. L-theanine also affects the brain’s Alpha Waves, giving you a sense of waking relaxation similar to that achieved during meditation. Consuming L-theanine in green tea is safe in moderate amounts of from two to seven cups a day, with ten cups considered the maximum.

A study cited by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed elderly people who drank several cups of green tea had fewer depression symptoms than participants who drank a small amount of green tea, even when other factors causing depression were considered.


Ginseng is one of the best herbs for depression, mental and physical endurance and quality of life. All types of ginseng, including Siberian, American and Chinese (Panax) ginseng have health benefits

Used for centuries in China and Russia to prevent colds, Siberian ginsengcontains eleutherosides, which may boost the immune system. It shows great promise in treating conditions related to depression and anxiety, ADHD and bipolar disorder.

Siberian ginseng can control stress, and stress and depression are often linked. It reduces stress-related activity in the adrenal cortex of the brain and helps prevent insomnia and exhaustion. Siberian ginseng has several other health benefits, including regulating blood pressure and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol. Research shows that Siberian ginseng increases social function and improved mental health in elderly people after four weeks. Its effects dissipate after eight weeks, according to the study.

American ginseng can improve mental clarity in depressed individuals and others. It contains trace minerals important for physical endurance, and may be helpful for people feeling fatigued from depression or anxiety

Chinese or Panax ginseng helps the body control depression and stress by regulating the adrenal gland. It is most effective in men 45 and older who have low hormone levels resulting in depression. Panax ginseng is a stimulant, so it should be used in small amounts by people prone to anxiety.

Gingko Biloba

This herb is taken from one of the oldest tree species, and has been used for centuries to treat many health problems, including memory problems and blood disorders. Research shows gingko biloba opens up blood vessels, improving circulation and making blood less sticky. Gingko is loaded with terpenoids and flavonoids, two antioxidants that protect you against cell-damaging free radicals. Gingko biloba is one of the most popular herbs for depression and other health problems worldwide.

Gingko biloba increases blood flow to the brain, making it an important herb for treating Alzheimer’s, dementia and memory loss. It’s been shown to increase social behavior and reduce depression among the elderly, and is often used to alleviate mood swings in women with PMS. When used with green tea, cayenne pepper or other herbs for depression, its mood-boosting power increases.

Cayenne Pepper

Like many other spices, cayenne pepper (capsicum) boots circulation and improves your mood. It causes your brain to release endorphins (the same hormones released when you exercise). You can add cayenne pepper to fish, poultry and other main dishes or use it to flavor popcorn. It detoxifies the body, boosts immunity and increases metabolism to help eliminate the sluggish feeling you get when you’re depressed. Cayenne pepper is available in powdered and capsule form.


Known in traditional Chinese medicine as the longevity herb, fo-ti has been shown to have positive effects on stress, fatigue and depression. It’s used as an anti-aging herb and may prevent premature graying and hair loss. Fo-ti increases libido for both men and women and promotes an overall sense of well-being. You can take fo-ti in capsules or as a raw herb. Pregnant women or people taking Valium, Prilosec or Prevacid shouldn’t use fo-ti.

Gotu Kola

Gotu kola, a plant native to Indonesia, Japan, China and the South Pacific, is a member of the parsley family. It’s not related to the cola nut, and contains no caffeine or stimulants. Gotu kola’s leaves and stems are used to treat the insomnia and anxiety caused by depression. Gotu kola has triterpenoids, chemicals shown to increase mental function and reduce anxiety in mice. It’s also been shown to have a sedative effect in tests on animals, and may help reduce insomnia in humans.


Damiana, a versatile herb, is found on small shrubs in Mexico, Central America, Texas and Southern California. The native people of Mexico, including the Mayans, used damiana leaves as an aphrodisiac and sexual tonic. It’s also used to relieve depression and  anxiety especially when caused by sexual problems. It improves energy and sexual performance in men and women by increasing the oxygen supply to the genital area. Damiana is also a good tonic for overall well-being.


Guarana, a shrub native to the Amazons, contains theophylline, tannins and theobromine, phytochemicals with benefits for people suffering from depression. Theobromine is a gentle stimulant also found in chocolate, cacao and some types of tea. Tannins give tea its flavor and provide a calming effect. They contain antioxidants to fight free radicals and increase immunity. Theophylline is a stimulant found in tea leaves, which is sometimes used to treat asthma and respiratory problems. One study found that guarana seed extract may have a long-term anti-depressant effect. Guarana has been shown to increase mental alertness, cognition and have fat-burning properties, according to other studies.

Vitamin D

While herbs for depression can cheer you up , so can vitamins and minerals. Lack of Vitamin D, which comes mostly from sunlight, is linked to depression. That may be one of the reasons some people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in the winter. Vitamin D may affect the level of serotonin in your brain, since receptors from Vitamin D are found in several parts of the brain. Some theories suggest that Vitamin D affects the amount of monoamines (like serotonin) in your brain. Anti-depressant medications increase the number of monoamines in your brain and Vitamin D may do that naturally. A 2008 study in Norway indicated that people with a Vitamin D deficiency suffered from more symptoms of depression. Getting out in the sunshine and/or taking Vitamin D supplements  may help improve mild to moderate, non-clinical depression.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

While not a herb, Omega 3’s are an important natural supplement to fight depression.

These polyunsaturated fatty acids consist of animal-based eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), found mostly in fish, and plant-based alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). Low intake of Omega 3 fatty acids is connected with higher depression rates. Japan and other countries that have high fish consumption have lower rates of depression. You can get Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet from salmon, flaxseeds, walnuts, beef, sardines and cauliflower.

Animal-based sources provide 99.9% of Omega 3s health benefits. If you don’t get enough Omega 3’s from food, taking fish oil capsules will boost your mood and provide cardiovascular benefits. Omega 3s regulate triglycerides, guard against coronary heart disease and boost brain function to prevent memory loss and Parkinson’s disease.

Studies show that the EPA in fish oil can relieve depression symptoms, especially when taken in addition to prescription antidepressants If you take warfarin, aspirin, Plavix or other blood thinners, don’t take fish oil as it can increase the risk of bleeding.

Use Omega 3’s, along with herbs for depression to increase happiness, energy and heart health.   

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Vitamin B12 and other B-complex vitamins produce brain chemicals necessary for a balanced mood and mental clarity. A low level of Vitamin B12 may cause depression and other health problems, including shortness of breath, joint pain and memory loss. Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, has been studied as a possible natural treatment for depression along with Vitamin B9 (folate) by the MRC Neuropsychiatric Research Laboratory in Surrey, UK. The researchers concluded “On the basis of current data, we suggest that oral doses of both folic acid (800 microg daily) and vitamin B12 (1 mg daily) should be tried to improve treatment outcome in depression.”

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

One of eight B-complex vitamins, Vitamin B6 may help relieve depression associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). A study conducted in Denmark suggested that  Vitamin B6 deficiency may cause depression in some people, but further research is needed. When you don’t have enough Vitamin B6, you may also suffer from muscle weakness, irritability, short-term memory loss or difficulty concentrating. Turkey, chicken, lentils, brown rice, sunflower seeds, shrimp and milk are just a few of the foods containing Vitamin B6. You can get more Vitamin B6 by replacing processed foods with homemade meals and taking a wheatgrass supplement with added B-complex vitamins, including Vitamin B6. Wheatgrass contains hundreds of vitamins, minerals and enzymes to keep you healthy and may prevent the nutrient imbalances that cause mild to moderate, depression


Essential for serotonin production, magnesium is one of the nutrients most Americans don’t get enough of from their diets. Recent studies show 68% of U.S. adults don’t get enough magnesium, and this may be one of the reasons for the increase in depression, anxiety and anorexia in the U.S. (Magnesium deficiency can also cause muscle spasms and hypertension.) Research by the Medical University of Lublin in Lublin, Poland, states that magnesium deficiency was apparent in psychiatric and neuromuscular symptoms, including some types of depression.

When used along with herbs for depression, magnesium helps keep your brain function stable. Magnesium is responsible for co-factoring in over 300 enzyme systems and the resulting biochemical functions in the body. It helps produce energy and keep muscles strong. Most people don’t get enough magnesium in their diet. Magnesium-rich foods include peanut butter, black beans, spinach, cashews, yogurt and salmon. For people who need a supplement to get enough magnesium, a wheatgrass tablet or wheatgrass juice will provide you with an ample amount of magnesium through its high chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll has dozens of other health benefits. It flushes out toxins from your body, tones your intestinal and stomach muscles, improves digestion and increases your mental focus and concentration.

Zeal O2, REVV and HappyGirl from LifeForce Nutraceuticals Contain a Blend of Herbs for Depression

The wheatgrass in HappyGirl Mood Enhancement Supplement is filled with amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes to increase your sense of well-being. Its’ magnesium and B-complex vitamins help neutralize mood swings while giving you more energy. The proprietary blend of herbs for depression adds to this supplement’s natural depression-busting formula. Green tea extract, guarana, gotu kola, fo-ti and ginseng are just a few of the mood-boosting herbs in HappyGirl. Great for men, women and seniors, HappyGirl can be used for occasional mild to moderate, non-clinical depression. Order HappyGirl

Zeal O2 Natural Weight Loss Supplement and Energy Booster helps you stay healthy and lose weight the natural way. Formulated with wheatgrass and a blend of herbs for depression and energy, this powerful wheatgrass tablet does more than suppress appetite. Zeal O2’s proprietary blend of herbs includes citrus aurantium (to burn fat), plus green tea extract, cayenne pepper, damiana, gotu kola, fo-ti and other natural remedies for depression, fatigue and anxiety. Order Zeal O2.

REVV Natural Energy Supplement is made with wheatgrass and B-complex vitamins to naturally boost energy. Theses chocolate mint wafers taste great and the cocoa used in REVV does more than give it flavor. The phytochemicals in cocoa, including flavonoids and catechins, fight free radicals to keep you healthy and boost energy. The combination of Vitamins B12, B6, folate and magnesium in REVV’s high-value wheatgrass help to balance your mood and protect you against depression. Order REVV.

Zeal O2, HappyGirl and REVV come with a money-back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied return the unused portions for a complete refund. Always talk to your doctor before taking any dietary supplement.

11 Tips for Summer Weight Loss

11 Tips for Summer Weight Loss

If you delayed your summer diet until the last possible second- or later, there’s still hope. By following some simple rules, you can lose a few pounds in a week or two and look better in a swimsuit or shorts. The two basic rules are obvious – exercise more and eat less. Here are 11 tips for summer weight loss to help you formulate a quick summer diet plan that works.

1. Avoid Beans and Other Belly-Bloating Foods, Eat Breakfast and Spicy Fare Instead

Eat a big breakfast if you want to lose weight. Research shows people who eat breakfast .tend to be slimmer than those who don’t. A broccoli or spinach omelet, unsweetened oatmeal or groat with strawberries or fresh apple slices or a whole wheat English muffin with turkey ham and a poached egg are a few healthy choices for summer breakfast.

If you want to get a slimmer belly fast, avoid beans, lentils, artificial sweeteners, and chewing gum, which cause bloating. Drink water instead of diet soda. Water helps fiber move through the digestive system, preventing the bloating and constipation that can add a few extra pounds to your midsection.

2. Eat and Drink for More Energy and Less Fat

Speed up your metabolism by drinking green tea, which contains safe energy boosters and aids fat oxidation. It releases caffeine little by little, giving you a slow but steady buzz all day. This helps you increase exercise and physical activity without forcing it – you’ll develop energy naturally.

Chili peppers and other spicy foods rev up your energy and suppress appetite. In a study conducted at UCLA’s Center for Human Nutrition, one group of subjects received a placebo pill while the second group received a capsaicin tablet. (Capsaicin is the substance that gives chili peppers their spicy, hot flavor.) The group receiving the capsaicin supplements burned between 100 and 200 more calories a day than the control group, and burned more fat hours after each meal. Turmeric, the yellow spice used in many Indian dishes, may curb weight gain and prevent the growth of fat tissue, according to a study completed at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.

3. Wearing Skimpier Outfits Encourages You to Lose Weight

Wearing a bikini or barely there shorts in public can be more daunting than disrobing in front of a new love interest. The idea of wearing skimpy clothes is intimidating if you’re overweight, but it can inspire you to get serious about summer weight loss. Even if you didn’t get a head start on losing weight for beach season, you can shed a few pounds in 1-2 weeks by eating less and exercising.

4. A Wheatgrass Supplement Will Speed Your Metabolism and Help with Summer Weight Loss

Drinking wheatgrass juice or taking a wheatgrass supplement tablet provides your body with hundreds of nutrients. Wheatgrass is powered by chlorophyll, the pigment that makes plants green. Chlorophyll turns carbohydrates into glucose to increase your energy, and tones intestinal and stomach muscles to give you a leaner look. The health benefits of wheatgrass go beyond increased energy and potential fat-burning. The chlorophyll in wheatgrass is one of nature’s most potent sources of magnesium, which is necessary for proper muscle function, heart health and better bones.

5. Go on a Mediterranean Diet

The standard American diet of meat, fried foods, salty snacks and processed foods is out of the question if you want to look good in a swimsuit. The Mediterranean diet is inspired by the traditional cuisine of Southern Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal. Residents of these countries base their diet around fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains, with fish and poultry included two or more times a week. Red meat is limited to a few meals a month, and red wine can be enjoyed with (or without) meals. Olive oil is used for cooking and sauces instead of butter. Yogurt and cheese, along with other dairy products, are consumed in moderation.

The emphasis on fruits and vegetables in the Mediterranean diet increases the amount of free-radical fighting antioxidants you consume while reducing calories. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine concluded that 30% of strokes, heart attacks and deaths from heart disease can be prevented by eating a Mediterranean diet instead of one heavy on meat, refined flour and processed foods. Increase your chances of summer weight loss and better heart health with the Mediterranean diet.

6. Drink More Water and Less Alcohol

It may be tempting to have a beer or strawberry margarita when it’s sweltering out, but alcohol is one of the worst drinks for your weight and health during the dog days of summer. It’s high in calories, and dehydrates you just when you need more water in your system to counteract the heat. Drink water and iced herbal tea when you’re thirsty. Skip the diet soda – recent research(http://time.com/3746047/diet-soda-bad-belly-fat/) indicated that people who drank diet soda regularly over a nine year span gained three times as much belly fat as people who didn’t drink it.

Swap whipped cream topped coffee drinks for unsweetened black coffee or green tea for a caffeine rush. You’ll save calories and get energized in small, barely noticeable increments instead of one big rush. Instead of drinking chilled fruit juice, eat the actual fruit. You’ll get more nutrients –   the skin of an apple or other fruit contains most of the fiber, vitamins and minerals. Another fresh fruit plus for summer dieters – it has fewer calories than most fruit juice. Some manufacturers may add artificial ingredients to fruit juice or “water it down”, so you’re better off eating fresh fruit.

7. Exercise in the Great Outdoors

In 2012, Americans exercised more – an average of three or more days per week according to a Gallup poll. (The exercise statistics went down in 2013). Why were they so high in 2012? The hot weather may have had a lot to do with it. People exercise more in the spring and summer due to the warm weather, and if hot temperatures extend into fall and winter, they exercise even more. Walking, jogging and biking outdoors free of charge in the park is a more attractive alternative than using the elliptical machine at the gym – and paying a hefty fee for it. Exercising in the great outdoors may also be good for your mental health. Sunshine is the main source of Vitamin D. You absorb Vitamin D from sunlight through your skin when you exercise outdoors. Lack of Vitamin D is associated with depression and mood disorders, and getting more sunshine lifts your spirits while exercise contributes to summer weight loss.

Outdoor activity in the summer has another weight loss advantage. Swimming, jogging, walking or playing sports in hot weather will help you burn more fat than exercising indoors or in cool weather. People who worked out in hot weather ate less after exercising than people who worked out in a cool environment, according to a 2013 study. Hot weather reduces your appetite, and exercising in hot weather may reduce it even more.

8. Eat Summer Fruits and Veggies

Hot weather dulls the appetite so you don’t eat as much, but when you do eat, stick to light fare. Eat grilled zucchini, eggplant, asparagus, carrots or bell peppers at a barbecue instead of burgers or hot dogs. You can use these grilled vegetables in tacos, pitas, frittatas and pasta. Veggies are low in calories and high on vitamins and antioxidants. Snack on watermelon, apples, and strawberries (without sugar and whipped cream) and resist the urge to binge on high-calorie ice cream treats. Lowfat frozen yogurt or plain vanilla ice cream with fresh fruit toppings are healthy cold treats for summer weight loss.

Grapefruit and watermelon are low calorie treats, both full of Vitamin C to help the body burn fat faster. Vitamin C guards against the common cold and has plenty of additional benefits, (http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/vitamin-c-ascorbic-acid) including preventing glaucoma, cataracts and gum disease.  A half grapefruit has 50 calories; a cup of diced watermelon has 46 calories. Both fruits have a high water content to hydrate you and fill you up to prevent overeating. Celery, strawberries and cantaloupe are other low-calorie, high water content foods for summer weight loss. (Grapefruit may interfere with some medications, including statins used for high cholesterol. Check with your doctor about possible interactions if you are on prescription medication. )

All raw (not canned or processed) fruits and veggies are good for your summer weight loss plan. Choose your favorites from your local farmer’s market for freshness and a better selection.

9. Shut Off SmartPhones, TVs and iPads  During Meals

When you concentrate on your food and eat slowly, you’ll feel satisfied when the meal is over. If you’re texting or browsing the net on your iPhone, you’ll either eat too much- or not enough to satisfy your hunger. According to a study conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who played a computer game while eating were less likely to remember what they’d eaten and still had cravings afterward. Being preoccupied during a meal may lead to unhealthy binging later.

10. Sip Some Chilled Soup

Chilled cucumber or gazpacho soup with spices and freshly-cut vegetables are great for summer weight loss. If you eat cold soup as an appetizer, it will fill you up so eat less of the main course. The idea is similar to drinking water before a meal- the liquid fills up your stomach so you won’t overeat. Try chilled Spanish-style tomato soupmade with pureed garlic, almonds, olive oil and bread, and chilled until served. Watermelon gazpacho soup, chilled melon soup and spiced blueberry soup are just a few other delicious chilled soups good for snacks or a light meal. Many chilled soup recipes call for ginger, cayenne pepper and turmeric and other spices. These high-nutrient, low-calorie spices do more than add flavor to meals. They can boost mood and offer anti-inflammatory benefits.

11. Leave Carbohydrates on the Shelf – Eat Low Fat Protein Instead

Burn fat and build more muscle by increasing your protein consumption. A study published by The FASEB Journal cited a study(http://www.womenshealthmag.com/nutrition/should-you-double-up-on-protein-to-lose-weight) in which three groups of dieters consumed different amounts of protein. All groups lost the same amount of weight, but the group that ate twice the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein lost more fat than the other groups. You don’t need to eat burgers or steaks to double up your protein – try these low-calorie foods instead.

Protein packed shrimp is low in calories and you can serve it many delicious ways for summer weight loss. Make Shrimp Pad Thai with peanuts, lime and cilantro or a 129 calorie shrimp stack with Greek yogurt, avocado, lime juice and jalapeño sauce on a rye flatbread. Stir-fried ginger shrimp with chile paste and jasmine rice is another healthy choice.

Greek yogurt has more protein than regular yogurt -17 grams per container to 9 grams in a container of regular yogurt. It contains essential amino acids, calcium and Vitamin D – and it’s a good choice for summer weight loss with only 100 calories in a small container.

A can of tuna packed in water is cheap and contains 39 grams of protein. Serve it on rice cakes or whole grain crackers for a snack or fix a sandwich using Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise as a dressing.  A three ounce serving of canned tuna has 99 calories.

Zeal O2 Natural Weight Loss Supplement Helps You Reach Your Summer Weight Goal Fast!

Zeal O2 Natural Weight Loss Supplement and Energy Booster from Wheatgrass Love helps dieters with their summer weight loss programs in dozens of ways. Wheatgrass is a whole food, and has been called one of the closest things to the fountain of youth in the nutritional world. Wheatgrass, with its chlorophyll base and hundreds of nutrients, supplies all the nutrition you need to stay focused and strong while you’re on a reduced calorie diet. We’ve added extra B-complex vitamins to the B vitamins already in wheatgrass. B complex vitamins, especially B12, B6 and B9, are great for energy and mental focus. Zeal O2 also has a proprietary blend containing green tea extract, ginger, damiana, ginkgo biloba, cayenne pepper and other herbs to boost energy and offer other health benefits. Citrus Aurantium (bitter orange) is our proprietary blend’s secret weapon, triggering your body’s fat burning mechanism to aid summer weight loss. Buy Zeal O2.

HappyGirl Mood Enhancement Supplement is formulated to treat mild to moderate, non clinical depression in women, due to PMS, menopause or the blahs. (Men and seniors can use HappyGirl for occasional non-clinical depression.)  It contains wheatgrass and B-complex vitamins, along with a proprietary blend of green tea extract, ginseng, cayenne pepper and other herbs to enhance mental focus and neutralize mood swings. Get happy the healthy way with HappyGirl Mood Enhancing Supplement. BuyHappyGirl

REVV Natural Energy Supplement is a chocolate mint wafer made with wheatgrass and additional B-complex vitamins It’s designed to increase energy and vitally and keep you focused anytime or anyplace. It also includes L-taurine for better heart health and periwinkle herb to increase blood flow to the brain. Buy REVV.

All Wheatgrass Love products come with a 100% Satisfaction, Money Back Guarantee. If you’re not happy with the results you get after using our products, return the unused portion for a refund. Always talk to your doctor before using any dietary supplement.

Summertime Blues: 10 Signs of Summer Depression

Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression triggered by the change of seasons. It usually manifests in most people in the winter, but reverse SAD, or summer-related depression, affects people differently. If you think you’ve got the summertime blues, here are ten signs of summer depression.

1. The Heat and Humidity Make You Feel Tired and Listless

High temperatures, intense sunlight and humidity may contribute to summer depression for some people Spend less time in the sun to beat summer depression, since summer SAD may be linked to an overabundance of sunlight. Constant, bright sunlight may have the same effect on people that never ending rain does. The cloudy, rainy weather of the Pacific Northwest, the dreary winters in the Northeast and the constant sunlight of Southern California may have similarities when it comes to SAD.

If summer sun causes SAD symptoms, wear sunglasses when you’re outdoors. Keep shades pulled down or use a blackout screen when you’re inside, especially if your work desk is close to a window.

Research has indicated that reverse SAD is more common in geographic areas prone to hot, humid summers, like Florida and Louisiana. If you are close to the equator, it’s more likely that you’ll have summer depression. People living closer to the North Pole are more likely to develop winter depression. Consistent air conditioning (and taking cool showers) while indoors will help control the symptoms of summer SAD. Spending the summer (or your vacation) in a cooler, drier climate also helps alleviate summer depression.

2. Feeling Jittery and Nervous

If you’re short-tempered during the summer, you may be suffering from summer depression. The hot weather makes some people irritable, causing them to snap at family and co-workers. Get out of the heat and into an air-conditioned room if this happens to you. Make sure you eat a balanced diet and take a natural remedy for mood swings. Ginseng, wheatgrass with Vitamin B6 and B12 and Omega 3 Fatty acids (fish oil capsules or salmon and other fatty fish) are a few proven depression fighters. Exercising or meditating (indoors, in an air-conditioned room) are other natural ways to change your mood from sour to sweet. If irritability persists, talk to your doctor.

3. Inability to Get to Sleep or Stay Asleep

Unlike winter SAD, people with summer depression find it difficult to get to sleep. This may be due to high temperatures, humidity or an erratic summer schedule. Keep your bedroom air-conditioned (or use a large fan blowing directly at your bed). Keep shades drawn at night and electronics out of the bedroom. Go to sleep at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning, even if you’re on vacation.

4. You Don’t Have Much Time to Yourself

Summer depression and anxiety can be caused by having too much to do. Planning vacations, sending the kids to summer camp and running errands in t heat can be taxing for people with Summer SAD. Take frequent breaks to cool off or delegate tasks to others if you find yourself over-committed. Summer should be relaxing, not exhausting.

5. Dealing with Slackers at Work (or at Home)

You’ll probably need to deal with kids on summer vacation, spouses off work for a week or two, and other summer slackers. At work, you may need to double up on projects because a co-worker is on vacation. This causes extra stress for people who are already on edge because of the summer heat. Don’t overexert yourself at home or on the job. Take a vacation or personal day, or relax on a shaded patio for a few hours. You’ll feel calmer when you return to work or daily tasks.

6. Bathing Suit Weather Causes Body Image Problems

Even people who look great in their spring wardrobe might feel self-conscious in barely there summer attire. Out of necessity, summer heat dictates that we wear shorts, sandals, tank tops and T-shirts just to stay cool.  Although you shouldn’t worry about how you look, (chances are most people are too self-absorbed to notice the five extra pounds you’re carrying anyway), many people can’t help it.

If you find yourself avoiding pool parties or barbecues due to embarrassment about your appearance, choose comfortable but not-too-revealing clothes. Wear a long, flowing skirt instead of shorts for an evening party or a one piece bathing suit with a cover-up instead of a bikini for the beach. If you’re really worried about what others think about your appearance, you may need to talk to a therapist about your self-esteem – or find another group of friends.

7. Your Travel Budget Drains Your Bank Book

Spending money on lavish vacations, summer camp for the kids and pool parties can be a drain on your bank account and your nerves. Don’t feel obligated to go on expensive vacations or plan outdoor dinner parties – staycations and informal get-togethers are cheaper and may offer more meaningful experiences with family and friends. Instead of worrying about money, luggage and late or missed flights, you’ll have a better chance to bond with the people closest to you.

8. Fear of Outdoor Activities

Summer offers great opportunities to get exercise and experience nature. If you are anxious about bug bites, snakes or other icky creatures in the wilderness, remember the chances of getting Lyme disease or other serious problems are quite rare. Go on short hikes close to home to see nature without fear of the unknown. After you’ve taken a few small steps, you’ll be more likely to participate in more challenging sports – snorkeling, sailing and longer hikes – without being fearful. If you still have anxiety about outdoor activities, participate in milder forms of exercise, such as a short game of tennis or a nighttime softball game. It’s important to get exercise and fresh air, even if you have SAD.

9. Your Body Clock is Off – “Circadian Misalignment”

Dr Alfred Lewy of Oregon Health and Science University believes there may be two different types of summer depression. One type may be related to the light and dark cycle and the other tied to the high temperatures and humidity, but the research isn’t conclusive yet. Too much sunlight may cause changes in melatonin production. Staying up late or not keeping a regular sleep schedule may also be a problem for some people – teachers who have the summer off, for example. This lack of a daily bedtime – and wake-up time- may throw off your body clock.

10. You’re Losing Weight (and You Don’t Want to!)

Summer depression usually causes weight loss. All that heat and humidity makes some people lose their appetite. If you can’t eat large meals during the summer, substitute several snacks or light meals throughout the day. Eat half a sandwich, an apple, a handful of peanuts or other healthy foods every few hours. If you find the heat outdoors too oppressive, sit in an air-conditioned dining room to eat your lunch. Drink plenty of water (or iced herbal tea). Avoid soda (including diet soda), alcohol and coffee, as these drinks cause dehydration.

Some Background on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

The earlier sunsets of winter can wreck havoc with your circadian rhythm, but so can the long, sunny days of summer. People with the summertime version of SAD feel agitated and too high-strung to eat or sleep normally. Winter causes lack of energy in SAD patients, but reverse SAD (summer depression) may cause manic behavior.

People with summer SAD suffer from weight loss, anxiety, sleeplessness and irritability. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) indicates that only 1/10 of SAD cases are summer-related, affecting 1% of the overall population.

Most individuals suffering from summer depression can keep the condition in check by making a few changes. Behavioral therapy and the use of non-prescription mood enhancing supplements will help people with mild to moderate cases of reverse SAD. Prescription antidepressants and long-term therapy may be necessary for individuals with severe summer depression. Some people who think they have summer depression may actually be bipolar, so consulting a therapist is important for people who can’t reduce symptoms on their own.

SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) – The Difference between Summer and Winter Depression

Professor Norman Rosenthal, a retired psychiatrist from Georgetown University, discovered Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, in 1984 when using light therapy as a form of treatment for people who became depressed during the dreary winter months. While working as a resident at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, Rosenthal noticed that he was more productive during the summer months than during the dark, short winter days in the Northeast. This led to research on the change of seasons and how they affected certain individuals. Winter SAD is by far the most common type of seasonal depression. The symptoms of winter SAD include overeating, lack of concentration, a hard time getting up in the morning and lack of energy.

A study conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health found that “that summer depressives were more likely to have endogenous vegetative symptoms, with decreased appetite and insomnia” and winter depressives are more likely to have increased appetite, weight gain and hypersomnia. There are exceptions to this finding. Ellen Frank, a University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine psychiatry professor, has suffered from summer depression, and described feeling “yucky and listless in the summer and full of energy in the winter.” She cured her depression by waking at sunrise and getting sunlight from as the sun first appeared on the horizon.

Rising early in the morning and taking a melatonin supplement (melatonin is a sleep-inducing hormone produced by the body) are common treatments for summer depression.

HappyGirl Mood-Enhancing Supplement with Wheatgrass Helps You Fight Summer Depression Naturally

HappyGirl Mood-Enhancing Supplement  from Wheatgrass Love contains high-value wheatgrass from a top supplier. We then enlist a laboratory registered with the FDA and a high-quality, safety tested manufacturing facility to produce HappyGirl Mood and Energy Enhancing Supplement. Our wheatgrass tablets are formulated to provide you with the energy and health-promoting nutrients of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants, contains hundreds of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes to balance mood and make you feel better, in the summer, winter or anytime. We’ve added extra B-complex vitamins, including mood-boosting B9 (folate), B12 and B6 to our wheatgrass-based tablets. The B Vitamins are considered to be effective for treating occasional or mild depression, and they may also improve the way antidepressants work.


The wheatgrass in HappyGirl has many other proven natural mood-enhancers, such as magnesium, calcium and iron. We’ve added a proprietary blend of cayenne pepper, green tea extract, ginseng and other good mood herbs to combat depression and increase your energy level. Order HappyGirl

Wheatgrass Love’s other wheatgrass-based supplements, Zeal O2 and REVV. If you want to lose weight and maintain your mood and energy while doing it, Zeal O2 Natural Weight Loss Supplement may be right for you. Zeal O2 contains wheatgrass with B-complex vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and other nutrients. The amino acids, enzymes and phytochemicals in wheatgrass help you with many body functions, including digestion, cell growth, oxygenating blood and detoxifying poisons in your system. Citrus Aurantium (bitter orange), a safe, natural appetite depressant works with wheatgrass to help you lose and maintain weight. Zeal O2 also contains a proprietary blend with cayenne pepper, green tea extract, white willow, ginseng and ginkgo biloba, among other herbs. All these nutrients provide energy, boost mood and offer anti-inflammatory properties and other health benefits. Order Zeal O2.

For a pick-me-up anytime, you can take a REVV Natural Energy Supplement wafer. These chocolate mint wafers contain wheatgrass, caffeine, L-Taurine and periwinkle herb. REVV  skyrockets your energy-and the B-complex vitamins boost your mood. Order REVV Natural Energy Supplement.

Wheatgrass Love products are covered by a 100% money back guarantee. If you aren’t satisfied with HappyGirl, Zeal O2 or REVV, return the unused portion for a full refund. Always talk to your doctor before using any dietary supplement.